Tigerlily Pup Design Sneak Peek!

Here’s an update on the winning design from the Design-a-Dog Contest!


The Tigerlily Pup and its items are currently being designed by our artists. We were so excited that we couldn’t wait to share them with you!


First, check out the adorable finalĀ  design for the pup below! Our artist stayed very close to to the original:

And, after reading everyone’s suggestions for its PSI, we decided on a Wildflower Pond! Check out the gorgeous concept art below. We’ll reveal the finished item soon!




Aren’t they beautiful? Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the reveal of the Tigerlily Pup’s PSF and more info about the pet!


158 Responses to Tigerlily Pup Design Sneak Peek!

  1. ccaenine2 says:

    It’s so cool that an ordinary player, without any connection to Ganz staff, was able to submit a winning design for an actual Webkinz pet! I’ve seen a lot of things on the web, but this is perhaps one of the greatest common-player contributions to a web game that I’ve ever seen. Way to go, Ganz, for allowing us, the players, to extend our own creativity toward the design and creation of a Webkinz pet!

  2. awesomesauceinajar says:

    I guess it’s time to start saving estore points for this lovely pup! Good job to both Ganz and the creator!

  3. felicty says:

    I wonder if your pets get to swim in it

  4. felicty says:

    The pond is Super nice.

  5. felicty says:

    The puppies beautiful.

  6. tiger5467123 says:

    that isn’t the one i wanted but it’s still adorable!

  7. Nevie_Boo says:

    Congratulations Tiger Lilly Pup Creator! Great job!

  8. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    This pet and it’s pond are Must Haves. Wonder when they’ll be available, ’cause I really Must Have.

  9. nikinoodle says:

    I think it’s a great puppy although I wish I had won (no offence to winner) I had entered a Rose Puppy it had red roses and vines all over it, but congratulations to snowball31802 on their win! :)

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