Tigerlily Pup Design Sneak Peek!

Here’s an update on the winning design from the Design-a-Dog Contest!


The Tigerlily Pup and its items are currently being designed by our artists. We were so excited that we couldn’t wait to share them with you!


First, check out the adorable finalĀ  design for the pup below! Our artist stayed very close to to the original:

And, after reading everyone’s suggestions for its PSI, we decided on a Wildflower Pond! Check out the gorgeous concept art below. We’ll reveal the finished item soon!




Aren’t they beautiful? Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the reveal of the Tigerlily Pup’s PSF and more info about the pet!


158 Responses to Tigerlily Pup Design Sneak Peek!

  1. adidogs123 says:

    Wow, this is one pretty pup! I would like to say congratulations to the artist who made it. :) :D Cheers!~kensington1203 x

  2. Grace231kinzhey says:

    Cool! :D

  3. bocabeeboc says:

    This is such a beautiful pet! Congratulations the winner, and big thanks to the artists! I’ll be adopting this pet soon!

  4. mommy71509 says:

    it looks so magical and romantic. love it great job to the artists and webkinz design winner. mommy71509

  5. dolly7girls says:

    It is sooo cute, I told myself no more pets, but now—-oh well, what’s one more!

  6. CrazyCatCrib says:

    can we have a tigerlily kitty, too? the colors are so beautiful! please? please? please?

  7. apastore785 says:

    I totally love the dogs style! Every dog should have a style like that. Every dog needs orange fur. So Groovy!:D

  8. Chachels says:

    I forgot to enter the contest :( But congrats to the winner! :D (I made a galaxy pup)

  9. Exora says:

    really great work! will the lantern light up?

  10. AvzoraGW says:

    just the cutest thing!

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