Turning Ads On in Webkinz


Did you know? There are features and events in Webkinz World that are delivered through our ad system, including:


  • Find the ads
  • Visiting characters in the Park
  • Watch and Wins
  • And more!


When you have your ads turned off, you’re missing the chance to participate and win cool prizes. But there are some ways to ensure that you never miss a Webkinz event.


You can ask your parents to turn the ads on in the Parents area of Webkinz World here.


You can add Webkinz to your ad blocker whitelist. Learn more here.


If you are wondering which events require ads to be turned on, just look for this symbol on articles and ads!

Advertising revenue helps us deliver the best possible product to our players, and we follow guidelines laid out by the government that restrict the types of marketing that can be displayed to children under 13.


36 Responses to Turning Ads On in Webkinz

  1. Neette says:

    I do NOT like the ADS. They are one big pain. The ones at the beginning will not even let you put your name and pass word in. There is NO place to exit out of the thing. I am like the the others I am ready to stop playing for those ads take all the fun out of playing when it is soooo hard to get IN to play. Sorry but it is a pain and I am thinking – not worth it.

  2. laughable921 says:

    While I would love to support Webkinz, and I do turn off my ads for events, it’s impossible to play with ads on all the time. :( Maybe you could work on making ads not slow down the game so much? Otherwise it’s impossible to play. Or maybe, make it so if you pay for deluxe, then no ads. I might consider getting deluxe then.

  3. Duckcall says:

    While ads can be displayed for age 13 and under, I wonder how many kids care about a New York vacation or life insurance. These are the ads that run all the time to slow down my game playing.

  4. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    I have my ads turned on! This rocks!

  5. Elessar says:

    I appreciate your need for the ad revenue. Truly I do. However, as others have noted, the lag is so huge that, for me, the site would become unusable and I would have to give up playing Webkinz (though it would break my heart to do so). And if others feel the same way and they, too, left, how would that benefit you? I disable AdBlockPlus long enough to obtain the prize(s) and those minutes of play are so excruciatingly slow, they’re physically PAINFUL to me. If you want me to play with ads turned on, please make them STATIC and please make them APPROPRIATE.

  6. bubbleteapot1 says:

    The ads make Webkinz laggy or jerky. I turn them on briefly to collect whatever is there, then turn them off again immediately. Ganz, if you want us to have ads on, you need to fix these problems.

  7. RubyCubes says:

    I love how Webkinz Newz keeps posting this over and over. Hey everyone, turn off your ad block and win prizes! And everyone keeps responding. Hey Ganz, stop lagging out WW with your ads and maybe we’ll turn them on. But nothing changes. Just more Newz blogs: turn off your add blockers! And more responses: Stop lagging us out! I’m a collector. I would love to get the prizes from the ads, but they aren’t worth it. If you want people to view your ads, stop the gimmicks and listen to the feedback. If your ads aren’t compatible with game play, you’re wasting your breath.

  8. lpark48 says:

    all those ads make my computer go nuts…

  9. lindy456 says:

    I have added Webkinz to my white list but I still have to turn off my adblocker…why is that?

  10. faithking45 says:

    Completely and totally agree!!

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