Update: Newz Intern Codes!

It seems like some players had trouble finding the ads over the weekend, so – because we need you all to help keep us informed on the latest scoop – we are posting the codes here so everyone gets a chance to collect them!


We apologize for any issues you had finding the ads. Please enjoy this gift from us as a thank you for all of your invaluable feedback and comments!


59 Responses to Update: Newz Intern Codes!


    Thank you, very generous. I was one of the players, no ads showed up. Also, no podcast in the booth, no coins or posters. There are a lot of problems with my rooms. I called several times and still no fixes.

  2. unicorn41 says:

    I would like to know why you could not have done this with the St. Patrick day problems. A good part of us never got any of the codes past the first two days. I also know that this will be deleted so you will not be made to look bad. Got you there, right?

  3. wilddfire says:

    cool! Thank You sooo much!.

  4. rsprang says:

    yes, Thank you!!

  5. pinkJess says:

    Thank you:)

  6. suzanneauntie says:

    Thanks Ganz!! I really appreciate it, and I’m sure everyone else who had trouble finding the codes, appreciates it too.

  7. choover143 says:

    Yay! Thank you! I couldn’t find the shirt and I really wanted it!! You guys are the best!!!

  8. luvnpet says:

    That was so thoughtful webkinz to make sure all get these

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