Vote For Dex Dangerous!



Friends, fans, citizens of Kinzville: Yours truly here… The one, the only… Dex Dangerous! Yes I am, once again, running for mayor of Kinzville.


You may be asking yourself: What am I looking for in a leader? Good looks? CHECK! A great role model? CHECK! Someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to remain in the spotlight? Hello??? CHECK! My career is at a point right now that I can devote most of my time to being the best leader Kinzville has ever had!


Think of it… what could we all use right about now? More cool stuff of course! That is why, if you elect me as mayor, I will bump up your free daily SPREE rolls from 1 a day to 3 a day. Imagine how fast you’ll make it to the mall now! Light speed ahead my friends! Not to mention, think of all the great Dex Dangerous merch you’ll be able to collect when I appear in the Kinzville Park as your new mayor.


Let’s move forward together, along the road to becoming the best Kinzville we can be… and why not pick up some cool stuff along the way? This is my third time running for mayor, so you should all see that I’m ready for my starring role!


Come show your support by visiting me in the Kinzville Park. I’ll be there until November 18th and I have some great memorabilia to hand out!



177 Responses to Vote For Dex Dangerous!

  1. Bubblilious1 says:

    Well Dex, this is a good start. You definitely have determination with this being your third campaign but as a big star celebrity, I thought you could use your talent and star appeal to attract events for the stage in the Park like player’s movie videos. It is hardly being used and there is a lot of incredible talent in town and then you could have a stand up comedy show there too. I’ll be looking for you.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      That’s a fantastic idea ~Bubblilious1! Maybe clicking to watch movies in the game is hard to code though, and that would explain why all of our TVs have been silent for so long. I mentioned before that there should be a link somewhere in game to be able to view players’ videos, but I never thought of the stage in the Park. That would be perfect!

  2. beaubo says:

    Sorry, Dex your a great star but mayor…I don’t think so! Sorry dude.

  3. ImaPepper says:

    Dex, Dex–I can always count on you for a chuckle. I like the extra Spree! rolls, but we already get bonus rolls frequently in the Daily Activities…I’ll think about it.

  4. reir441 says:

    have my vote dex

  5. LeoGrimm says:

    Dex, I think it would help your campaign if we saw you in some of your PREVIOUS roles. Are there movies of yours we can watch? I want to see the hero in action.

  6. peygan53 says:

    Does anyone have an extra Sophie plush, all I got each day was a hat or a sign which is nice the first time but like super wanted a plush tbh

  7. CherryOnTop says:

    oh dex… maybe next time XD

  8. alexmc1o1 says:

    idk pg collie for shopie stockweel still :)

  9. emmadragon says:

    Haha. my first ever pet, daisy, LOVES dex. so i will prbolly be voting for him :p oldest pet gets first say lol

  10. cat2f says:

    Sorry Dex, but Sophie’s promise was way better.

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