Vote For Sophie Stockwell!


My name is Sophie Stockwell and I am thrilled to be running for Mayor of Kinzville! I am also honored to be up against great candidates like PJ Collie – a true fashion icon, and Dex Dangerous – an icon of stage and screen. And of course, Dr. Quack, a pillar of the Webkinz Community, has done a wonderful job as the mayor of Kinzville for the past two years.


So what can I bring to the table as the Mayor of Kinzville? I may be newer to Kinzville than the other candidates but I am no less passionate about all the wonderful things it has to offer.


My greatest passion is helping to make Kinzville a better place for all of our players. In my job at eStore, I get to see cool new items and meet adorable pets as they are released. I just love sharing decorating ideas and introducing players to their new pets. Being a member of the eStore team means that I play a small part in offering fun and fabulous new ways for our players to enjoy Webkinz World!


As mayor, I’d like to share the magic of eStore with all of the citizens of Kinzville, by introducing a monthly ‘Player Appreciation Day’. Once a month, when players log in to Webkinz, they’ll receive a special giftbox that will include a gift from eStore. That way everyone gets to experience the fun of opening up something fabulous from eStore every month, and I am helping players brighten up their pets’ rooms with awesome new items!


If you elect me on November 29th & 30th, I promise to work hard to make Kinzville fun and fabulous for everyone. I hope I can count on your vote!


So fab. So fun. Sophie!


And don’t forget to visit me in the Park every day between November 9 and 13!

143 Responses to Vote For Sophie Stockwell!

  1. 321Muffinislit says:

    I think that that is a great idea. I think I’m going to vote for you! :D

  2. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    Oh wow….Sophie’s DEFINITELY got my vote! Free E-store items are ALWAYS good!

  3. forest1 says:

    You got my vote,love the e store !

  4. strawberryswirls27 says:

    Great speech! I like the idea of a monthly e-store gift! (:

  5. perfect29_backup says:

    Sophie’s campaign is awesome! It’s gonna be a debate between her and PJ for me! If anyone has any extras of sophie’s campaign items, preferrably a plush and a hat, that would be great if I could have one! I was so busy and completely forgot to log in, my username is perfect29 or maew2013, I log into perfect29 more often though.

  6. ImaPepper says:

    If only candidates for political office in our world were as polite and respectful as you, Sophie! Love the Player Appreciation idea.

  7. BunnehFry says:

    Go Sophie! You got this in the bag! Theres A Million Things You Haven’t Done, But Just You Wait, Just You Wait!

  8. peygan53 says:

    Did anyone get the Sophie plush? I’ve been really looking forward to getting one but all i’ve been getting is the hat and the sign and not a single plush

  9. cookienerd_ says:

    I think they should give away some E-store room themes, because sometime the winners of the room awards are people with E-store points flooring. This would also make it fair so more people have the chance to make their rooms look better.

  10. PEBBLES1973 says:

    Free Estore Points would be great

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