Wait To Transfer Your Jumbleberries!


Too many Jumbleberries are jumbling about and being dropped between Webkinz Friends and Webkinz World!

Alyssa has dispatched a team of fairies to go fetch the berries that have been left behind, but each one has to be picked up individually- so she says it’s going to take a little time!

To help Alyssa’s clean up effort, don’t transfer ANY berries from Webkinz Friends to Webkinz World until Wednesday August 1st or they may get dropped too! Don’t make any extra work for Alyssa, just hold off on moving over those berries!

UPDATE: The issue reported was related to transferring prizes from Webkinz Friends to Webkinz World. The berries you win on Webkinz Newz were not affected. Good news: you won’t have to wait until next year to collect more berries from Webkinz Newz — we’ll be offering them from time to time throughout the year!

73 Responses to Wait To Transfer Your Jumbleberries!

  1. 8s8u8g8a8r says:

    Okay. But can you have floaty berries forever? Or another month? Or two?

  2. Caroline says:

    Ok i see too many berries i just sell them for extra cash!!! :) PLease be friends with me my username is cc4622!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. lcbmonkey says:

    will there be another berry fesiful

  4. webkinz444 says:

    Darn i should have read this earlier i just picked up a moonberry! and this is very strange. hmmmmmmmmm

  5. marco says:

    that look really cool!

  6. locococoapuff says:

    What are they talking about?????

  7. harry potter fan #1 says:

    I totally don’t get this! At least we get more days 2 collect!

  8. Tatorfrank says:

    What does it mean to “not transfer berries from Webkins News to Webkins World?” Why do we have to transfer them at all?

  9. petalpal says:

    Yeah know it actually meight be fake now that i think about it but if it is fake then whaaaaaaaaaaaat???????/

  10. Maddy says:

    I dont understand how this is soposed to work.

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