Nibbles’ Realization

Have you ever felt like a total fool? Because if you have, then you know exactly how I am feeling right now. I am so embarrassed I almost can’t even say what happened to me today.

I was over at the Arcade to meet Roberta and we were getting a drink from the Arcade cafeteria when I saw Purr-cilla, Penelope and Janice sitting at a table. I was walking over to see them when I noticed that my shoe was untied and I bent down to tie it right next to a big plant near their table. I guess they didn’t see me because I overheard their conversation and I still can’t believe what I heard.

Janice was asking if they were going to go swimming later and Purr-cilla said “Yeah, I guess it’s hot enough to put up with Nibbles for an hour or two.” I couldn’t believe it. Penelope actually jumped in and said that she liked hanging out with me, and Janice said yeah, she felt kind of bad about pretending not to be home when I came over the other day. But Purr-cilla told them to get over it – that I was always talking about how great Plumpy was, or boring them with stories about those annoying ‘Kinz. She said the only reason she was putting up with me at all is because it is such a hot summer and I have a pool.

I can’t believe it. Molly was right. Purr-cilla WAS using me for my pool. How did I fall for that? I feel so dumb.

48 Responses to Nibbles’ Realization

  1. buggirl557 says:

    I feel so bad for Nibbles. Purr-cilla isn’t a very good friend.

  2. penguingirl145 says:

    Wow!!!! I can’t believe Purr-cilla was using her 4 her pool she’s soooo mean. There’s popular girls in my school but their not like dat I’m not friends with them but they just say hi. Two of my webkinz named Claira (dalmation dog) and Haley (kangaroo) r the pop girls they r soooo mean 2 my webkinz and they want other girls 2 join their group and they dumped Daphne (duck) and Sasha (Springer Spaniel). They just care about themselves. They got rid of Sasha bc they thought dat she was joining the girls 2 get back at Heidi but its bc she wants 2 b cool. Wat do u guys think? penguinlover505

  3. GooglesGirl327 says:

    Wow, Nibbles! That’s mean! I know someone who always goes in our neighbors’ backyard and “plays” with them, but they always end up staring over the fence at the pool and/or us. :/

  4. princessunicorn19 says:

    Hi guys I don’t like purr-cilla. I knew she was using her.

  5. KIttenlover says:

    Wow! I can not belive that they were using Nibbles! I feel so bad for Nibbles.

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