We Dug Out the Wooly Piglet!

We did it! We all worked together to save the Wooly Piglet from the snow hill that had trapped it by the Clubhouse during a freak snow storm. The Wooly Piglet will be heading over to Ganz eStore where it goes on sale on Christmas day, but not before thanking everyone in Webkinz World for helping to save it from the snow!


Visit the Wooly Piglet in the Clubhouse and click on it to get a prize snowy prize! And because there was too much snow to get to the prizes in the Clubhouse – the storm blew the prizes all the way over to Webkinz Newz!!! – we are extending this event until December 31.


And remember – you can also look for the Wooly Piglet at Ganz eStore where it goes on sale starting December 25.


87 Responses to We Dug Out the Wooly Piglet!

  1. starrie says:

    Hi Everyone! I can see him, the program just says “Please Wait” and doesn’t move after that. Does anyone else have that problem? Hope all is well with everyone!

  2. duckess1 says:

    Been trying for 2 days now. Is the floaty extended or not?

  3. penguin4tracy says:

    He’s not in there.

  4. butrym5 says:

    The Wooly Piglet is no where to be found!! Anyone else having isssues???

  5. gigiliz says:

    looked everywhere in the clubhouse room for wooly piglet, it’s not there!

  6. KAGI1 says:

    Could not find any wooly piglet in the clubhouse room!

  7. LKAGI2 says:

    Cannot found wooly piglet, looked everywhere in the clubhouse room!

  8. Sollace says:

    The floating clicky piglet face on webkinz news (here) wasn’t working yesterday OR today. May I suggest this continue past the New Years to make up for lost days?

  9. gwengie62 says:

    Year after year there is ALWAYS issues. You would think after all this time, someone would get things ironed out and not have sooooo many problems. Tired of going into the piglet room and seeing NOTHING! How are we supposed to click on something that doesn’t exist? I’m just getting very tired of wasting my time… Please. Let 2019 be a new beginning for you all and PLEASE: If you can’t straighten things out, please don’t release it.

  10. hannah5banana says:

    I haven’t been able to get into webkinz ALL day! I hope they award us all the present from Ms. Birdy as well as the daily code prize.

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