Webkinz Christmas Tree Gallery!


If you crave Christmas trees, Webkinz World is the place to be! Over the years, we’ve released TONS of different trees for the holiday season.


This year you’ll find 3 re-released Christmas trees in the WShop on both Webkinz.com and the Webkinz mobile app: the Countryside Christmas Tree, the Silent Night Christmas Tree and the Festive Christmas Tree!


You’ll also find the NEW Colorful Christmas Tree added to our Christmas Cabin room theme!



Now here’s a look back at all of the past Christmas trees we’ve released in Webkinz World over the years, including the new ones from this year:


(*NOTE* – Ganz eStore Point coin icon denotes an eStore item)



How many of these Christmas Trees do YOU recognize? And how many have YOU collected? Let us know in the comments below!


69 Responses to Webkinz Christmas Tree Gallery!

  1. magda says:

    So where do you find the 2019 Chocolate Christmas tree?

  2. Bubblilious1 says:

    I love the Gallery Themes. Would you consider having a pdf made of them so I can keep them in my files? It is also good to know that I can go looking on the mobile app for some.

  3. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Ok. So i have: 2019 Colorful Christmas Tree, 2017 Flashy Christmas tree, 2016 Countryside Christmas tree, 2015 Silent Night Christmas tree, 2015 Kinzville Christmas tree, 2015 Town Square tree, 2008 Grand Christmas tree, and 2008 Glittering Gem tree. I don’t have that many, but i love them all the same. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Merry Christmas to everyone and “God bless us, everyone!” -Tiny Tim

  4. jsforfr says:

    I am always hoping that the Grand Christmas tree might make a reappearance one day in some form, perhaps on a super wheel. That’s one of my favorite trees and I was a new player back then and did not have much KC to be able to buy more than one of the holiday items. Once they changed it to be able to go indoors as well, I really wished I had many of that tree.

    • babytwinkleavfk says:

      It’s a pretty cool tree! I have it (i don’t know how) even though i’ve been playing since 2009. The lights change different colors, and it fits well in my main Christmas room.

  5. EmmaFett says:

    Wow I’ve been playing since 2006 and I think young me sold most of these trees for kinzcash *facepalm*

  6. AL96 says:

    Is the festive tree supposed to be in the wshop? I didnt see it and is it for kinzcash?

  7. Beckinz8 says:

    Whoa. That’s a lot of trees. You guys in the art dept. really had a blast in 2008 and 2015! My favorite one that I own is the Town Square Christmas Tree from 2015. Are there ways to get the older ones, like prizes on wheels or something like that? I can’t picture anyone wanting to ever trade the older ones. I really like the 2008 Classic Christmas Trees because one of my favorite family traditions is stringing popcorn and cranberries to make garlands for the tree, and then later, when we take down the decorations, giving them to the birds outside. I’ve saved up my estore points and this year I plan to buy a Make-It-Merry Christmas Tree, because I love the customizable feature. Thank you for the festive tree galery Ganz team!

    • Beckinz8 says:

      *sniff, sniff* :,-) Thank you friend! I am overwhelmed by your generosity! Your gift couldn’t have been more perfect than if I had chosen it myself, and it came at a great time, because today was a rough day. So thank you for adding a beautiful bright spot at the end of my very long day!

  8. ArcanineEspeon says:

    These are all great, but I’m so confused. Not only have I not been able to find the Silent Night tree or the Festive Xmas tree in the W Shop, but I have the Town Square Tree (2015) in my inventory (and IIRC it was in my pets’ house before I removed it in August), even though the only Webkinz Christmas I have ever experienced was in 2011, and I did not log into Webkinz a single time between 2013 and 2018 (No, I don’t have any younger or older siblings, nobody knows my password, not even my parents). Other players, Sally, Michael, etc., any answers or ideas you have as to how this happened would really help me.

  9. mea91 says:

    the glittering gem tree is my first one that I ever got. I have it up every year in my pet’s room!

  10. magda says:

    Where do I find the 2019 Chocolate Christmas Tree? It doesn’t have the e-store point icon next to it. I haven’t found it in the W shop.

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