Webkinz Close Up: Fantastic Fountains!


Webkinz World has many wonderful things that you use to decorate your pet’s room. However, even if you zoom in, sometimes things are so small it’s hard to appreciate all the detail and work that goes into creating them!


A flowing fountain is always a great addition to a glorious garden, or it can make a sensation centerpiece to a hallowed hall. There are so many amazing options in Webkinz when it comes to decorating a room with a fountain, we can only feature a small fraction at a time!


Here’s a closer look at the first few of these watery wonders!
























Do YOU know where to find these fantastic fountains? Let us know in the comments below!


51 Responses to Webkinz Close Up: Fantastic Fountains!

  1. Rachelgirl says:

    They are all graet, but I most like the cascading hearts fountain and the carved gem fountain. I have no clue where to get them. so please tell us?!

  2. Magarrinee says:

    i love all of these!

  3. ianinlyheahruja says:

    Weird, on Webkinz Newz it says Fiery Fountain, but on the picture guide it says Fierce Fountain like it does here!

  4. TRINSTER says:

    I have the Apollo and the Carved Gem, but I never even saw those others before! I absolutely LOVE the Enchanted Garden Cascading Fountain. I wonder how you get one?

  5. noodle21 says:

    Ok when does Doug ever show up in the clubhouse??? Every single time I go he is never there and it makes me sad. Is it like different every day? When is he normally there??

    • WebkinzPlayer4563 says:

      In my experience, Doug usually visits the clubhouse in the evenings, between 5 and 9 pm (KT). I’ve rarely found him outside of that time period.

    • opal13mlm says:

      He does show up at a different hour each day. The best way to find him is to check into his clubhouse collector room once every hour. Good luck.

  6. Mila14 says:

    I never knew the name of the Aztec Cat Fountain until now. It was the fountain Coco used in their Pizzeria Room on a Room Design broadcast. I could never find it anywhere. It’s beautiful and I also love the Cascading Hearts Fountain.

  7. babytwinkleavfk says:

    These fountains are so pretty! I love them all. The only one that i have is the Enchanted Garden cascading fountain.

  8. frozenanna2 says:

    BecKinz8 do you want to want to be friends?

  9. frozenanna2 says:

    the tree fountain is so beautiful!

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