Webkinz Close Up: Holiday Plushies!


Webkinz World has given away a number of holiday-themed plushies over the years, often as one of the prizes inside the Christmas Gift Baskets.


However, in a room they can end up looking pretty small. So here now is a close-up look at each one of them!



Amanda Panda Holiday Plush



Arte Holiday Plush



Daisy Doe Holiday Plush



Doug Holiday Plush



Dr. Quack Holiday Plush



Ella McWoof Holiday Plushy



Fiona Feathers Holiday Plushy



Goober Holiday Plush



Ms. Birdy Holiday Plush



Ms. Birdy Holiday Plushy



Ms. Cowoline Holiday Plush



PJ Collie Holiday Plush



Plumpy Holiday Plush



Quizzy Holiday Plush



Tabby Holiday Plush



Zangoz Holiday Plushy



Zingoz Holiday Plushy




How many of these holiday plushies have YOU collected? Let us know in the comments below!


77 Responses to Webkinz Close Up: Holiday Plushies!

  1. cat2f says:

    I only have the Tabby Von Meow plush right now and she is so cute!

  2. Catqueen2014 says:

    Arte Plush is adorable

  3. nanakinz5 says:

    I love collecting the plushies! I think I have all of them except for the Arte Holiday plush! Darn :( … he is cute!

  4. sciencesplat says:

    I have one not showing here! The Cute santakinz!!! and I have him!

  5. arteme says:

    I have about 80% of these – my absolute favourite is the Ms. Birdy Holiday Plushy (with the tartan vest)!

  6. TropicalGirl says:

    I have a lot of these but not all of them. What a fun post! I love to see the items up close, and to see what I missed. :/ It would be great if it showed where/when each plushy was released.

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Hi TropicalGirl, which ones are you missing? I may have duplicates of some. I’d like it too if they included the release dates/events of the items in these articles. For now, we can ask MonkeyHeart173, who knows a lot of these details (see older posts).

      • TropicalGirl says:

        Oh my gosh, 1Emerald1, that’s so nice of you! I’m missing Arte, Quizzy, Ms. Birdy in the red coat, and Ms. Cowoline. It took me awhile to round them all up and count them! I’ve been playing for about 9 years but did not get into collecting things until later. What can I send you in return?

        • 1Emerald1 says:

          Oh dear, I don’t have those either at present, but will keep an eye out for them in the trading room. And if I do manage to send you one, nothing is needed in return. You have already sent me so many lovely gifts!

          • TropicalGirl says:

            Well it was a very wonderful offer nonetheless, and I really appreciate it. I love to collect but don’t get too worried about having absolutely everything or that would take all the fun out of playing. It will be fun to see what plushy is offered next Christmas!

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Agreed – with everything you just said. I didn’t get serious about collecting plushies until about 2014, I think. Anyway, I’m on the lookout for the ones we don’t have yet & you never know! My guess for next Christmas’ holiday plushie is Fred Rover. Mainly because they haven’t done one of him yet…

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Or…maybe Sheldon Turtle! That would be super-cute! And I’m still wishing for a plushie, holiday or not, of Debbie Dragon. I still miss seeing her at the Travel Agency!

          • TropicalGirl says:

            Oooh, good guesses! Although, with his island vibe, I would probably prefer Sheldon. But Debbie Dragon, I remember her! It’s so fun to know there are players who have been on Webkinz since the days of buying a ticket to Vacation Island. I hope she got a very nice severance package… :)

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            LOL! Yes, I hope she was able to fly off to Vacation Island and parachute down using her golden parachute! Retirement must be fantastic in Webkinz World!

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            TropicalGirl, I hope you’ll see this. I was absolutely floored when I opened your gift with the 3 plushies! How/wherever did you find them? Thank you so much!!! This really put a lovely final frosting on my holiday season. Thank you for being so generous and such a wonderful friend!!!

  7. TropicalGirl says:

    What is your UN? I probably have one to spare.

  8. Ndume2004 says:

    It broke my heart when I missed the Dr. Quack plush. Never got over it. Never did get one.

  9. JoSieEmmy says:

    I’m new and don’t have these. Is there somewhere I can buy them from?

  10. webkinz04 says:

    Ok, off topic but quick question. What can I put in my cupboard sink that I bought at the W shop? I have no clue what I can put in there! If I can put things in there and it looks great in my kitchen, I really want to keep it. So I really want to know what y’all put in yours! Sorry for the off topic question again… :) Thanks y’all!!

    • TropicalGirl says:

      I usually put kitchen-related clothing, like in my diner I have the Diner Waitress outfit and Daisy Doe clothing.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Hi webkinz04! I don’t know about everyone else, but I store all of my recipe books in the cupboard sinks in my WW rooms. That way, if my webbie feels like cooking, blending, or sandwiching something special, I always have recipes handy! Just be advised, when you are trying to fill a pet request, don’t follow a recipe. Just throw together any three things. And not all models of blenders, stoves, and sandwich makers register for pet requests. (I thought I’d just throw in those free pointers!) Happy cooking, and happy room designing!

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