Webkinz Friends Update

Hi beta players! Webkinz Friends has just received a revision, which included updates to the harvesting duration of some buildings.

The Curio Shop can now be harvested in 3 hours! The Bakery and Café are also producing goodies quicker than before!


Have you WON the ‘Azure Zingoz Throne’?
Players can send this regal prize from Facebook to ANY Webkinz World account!


If you could place anything from the “real world” into Webkinz Friends, what would it be??

41 Responses to Webkinz Friends Update

  1. jaden says:

    i would add a beach!

  2. catelynn says:

    anything in the real world i would want in webkinz world would be insted of clicking to go to places we shoud walk our pets to the places by clicking empty spaces.

  3. emily says:

    I think it’s a great idea why don’t you add friendly’s?

  4. FIREFLY says:

    I THINK ID add a craft shop where u can buy things to make crafts and do some sample crafts

  5. olivia says:

    if i were to place a building in webkinz world it would be a spa with a pool and a hot tub with a smothee bar.

  6. j3gnight2011 says:

    I don’t have a facebook so i can’t play this game. It looks fun though! >>j3gnight2011<<

  7. justinbieber815 says:

    i am going to do this!!! lol add me on webkinz lovegirl3345!!!! <3

  8. Reindeerchocolate7 says:

    I had no idea this even existed! How do you play this? What website? If in Webkinz world, where? I need to know, this is awesome! =D

  9. SapphireSea says:

    If I could put anything from the real world in webkinz friends… A castle! Victorian houses? What I’d really like is to be able to put my buildings, houses especially, AWAY from the road. Oh, does anyone know more ways to make kinzcash on webkinz friends? I can’t seem to get nearly enough fast enough. I still need several thousand, and now I just managed to get the shoeshop, so I only have, like, ninety-something kinzcash! All I know to do is “harvest” the buildings, and visit the friend it gave me. Thanks for your help! ~~O~~SapphireSea~*~*~

  10. lovebugs131 says:

    AllAGirl, Facebook is for people 13 and over and they made it for the parents that play on webkinz.

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