Webkinz Newz Week Starts Today!


Celebrate Webkinz Newz in Webkinz World! From April 16 – 22, log into Webkinz World for special Newz themed prizes and events. You’ll even have to chance to meet a member of the Webkinz Newz Team!


Click on a button below to learn more:



What’s your favorite part of Webkinz Newz week? Let us know by leaving a comment below…


159 Responses to Webkinz Newz Week Starts Today!

  1. bonesbongo says:

    This is the second day I have not been able to find Mandy Webkinz. I just spent 20 minutes in the Webkinz Newz Room as on the Clubhouse Schedule. Why are the Webkinz Newz Team Members not appearing in the rooms at the time when they are scheduled to appear. 30 minutes is not very long for them to appear. It is not fair if we are not even able to find them.

  2. Matoaca113 says:

    Does anyone have the usernames for Michael, Mandy, Sally, and Steve? I want to friend them. Can’t get on Webkinz to look for them at those times.

  3. bsnd500 says:

    Besides the regular Trading Room and the Chat Plus one, how many are there? How do you get to other ones?

  4. westsidefitness says:

    Will the podkinz booth ever be something we can win or purchase for our room?

    • padme67 says:

      hi friend, if you been around a while they gave it away to everyone a long time ago, but unfortunately it is not currently tradable/sendable :(

      • westsidefitness says:

        I did miss that but I wanted to thank you very much for the info! appreciate it!

        • animalmomkls says:

          I think if you watch Podkinz Ep 65 you can still get the code for the recording booth. I remember Michael saying once that this code didn’t have an expiration date like others and you could still get it and use it. Hope that helps.

          • westsidefitness says:

            hey i just was looking back to see what you guys told me about this booth and imagine my surprise when i saw this about the podkinz episode 65. It worked! I am so so so very happy!

    • puppies4me says:

      @wetsidefitness, Hi. They code for the Podkinz Booth is on Podkinz 95. The only way I know is because another player had asked about it in the replies for the preview of Newzweek. Michael said it was on Podkinz 95 and that the code has not expired. You can find #95 by going back through older newz blog pages. It took me a little while but I did find it and the code still works.

  5. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Hey Mandy, not sure if you remember from yesterday, but I was the one with the frozen dock. You said you could send me the poster if I friend you? We are already friends, could you send me the poster to my account? My username is the same as on Newz. Thanks! -g2u3c4c5i ;)

  6. mintfudge says:

    I don’t know how anyone found the Newz team when it seems the majority didn’t. I was in the right room at the right time, even tried leaving and coming back and never saw them. What a waste of 2 hours.

  7. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Like most, it seems, I was unable to find them. I looked for Mandy for about 10 minutes, Sally for about 25, and Steve for about 25, but I was unable to find them. I popped in and out of rooms when they were full, and waiting in ones that weren’t. I just don’t get it.. XP I’ll try again today, and maybe I’ll find one of you guys this time.

  8. KSC says:

    Had fun today! It was nice to see Ella and hang out in the Newz room. I didn’t meet any of the Newz team yet, but I look forward to trying again tomorrow!

  9. Resonatingthunder says:

    A few months ago, I saw Mandy in the KC+ trading room. I wanted to trade with her, but someone else said they really wanted to say something to her, and they even asked me to not invite her to trade so that they could. I obliged of course, but Mandy had to go after that :( I really hope to meet a Newz Team member again… but I have to say I’m the type of person, if I were standing in a line, to let someone else go ahead of me because I told myself they needed it more than me, haha!

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I completely get it ~Resonatingthunder. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one. Nice guys may finish last, but we’ve brought the most smiles to others along the way, and that definitely counts for something!

  10. emster7 says:

    Looks like I’m not the only one who wasted over an hour looking for them. What do you mean by different trading rooms? I only see one when I go to the clubhouse.

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