Webkinz Next Vacations are here!

Explore a beautiful seaside resort with your family in this fun new feature in Webkinz Next!






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67 Responses to Webkinz Next Vacations are here!

  1. Demongirl10 says:

    The graphics are beautiful on the island! I really love the new items as well, excited to collect them all. If I could leave some feedback, I wish the photo stand could allow more than one family to use it at a time. There was a small line when I visited the island. I also feel the fishing is a bit more difficult than it needed to be. My wrist was hurting from the tapping and I wasn’t able to successfully pull in a fish before getting tired and having to “let it go”(/ let the line break on purpose) after trying for a few minutes on each fish. Overall it’s very cute, and a great addition to the site!

  2. whitesheleg says:

    Are some fish harder to catch than others? I was trying to get the (I think) leopard shark for like 10 minutes and it was impossible :(

  3. Msamommy says:

    So I took my family on vacation today. Was kind of frustrated at 2 things. One…the fact that I couldn’t bring my whole family (with 2 babies) on vacation. I understand you allow for 1 baby, but I have young families with 2 kids. ha ha The one thing that really bothered me….the photo booth. You have to wait for it, unlike the one in town. There are SO many pets wandering around, so you have to push through them to figure out how to get your turn. Just seems pointless if you have to wait and wait and wait with no sign of who’s next. Can that be tweaked?

  4. P00KA2 says:

    I lost all but 100 arcade tickets too. Had 9000 plus .REALLY Hope this is fixed soon! Vacation is great though!

  5. 1lightningbug says:

    My Arcade Tickets dropped from 2000+ to now only 60!! What is going on?? I worked so hard for those. Please correct.

  6. Jessmine2 says:

    This was such a fun trip! I didn’t get the hang of the fishing, so will take another trip soon to try again. Maybe someone could offer some advice? Nice work, Webkinz Next team!

  7. FoxesRule612 says:

    This is awesome!!

  8. 3cheers4sweetrevenge says:

    this is so lit

  9. Zooooooz says:

    Did the update do something to the Arcade tickets? Suddenly my ticket count is reduced to 100! (from around 9,000)?

  10. kalcan8 says:

    Wow! This looks like so much fun! I can hardly wait to go try it out! Thank you for the WW R&R design team!

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