Webkinz Pet Showcase: Pandas!




Have YOU adopted any of these precocious pandas? Let us know in the comments below!


113 Responses to Webkinz Pet Showcase: Pandas!

  1. Lilly1 says:

    I have all three of these pandas and I love them all. They are so cute!!!

  2. catluvr01 says:

    I LOVE pandas!! I have the original, the lovely panda and the endangered red panda. I didn’t know there was a peppermint panda, it’s adorable!

  3. alexispanda208 says:

    I love pandas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are my favorite animal! yet I do not have a webkinz panda. but I really want one!!

  4. verschelden4 says:

    I have the red panda it’s so cute! I love using her

  5. Pinkroses9872002 says:

    My sister and I have Charming Pandas! Mine’s Amanda Panda, and my sister’s is Amanda Panda, just calls her’s Manda Panda. :-P

  6. blindfold11201 says:

    I have the Endangered Red Panda, he is so pretty, but I understand in real life they can be mean. But this ones not mean; he’s adorable! I would like the one with the slide.

  7. PinkFlame says:

    :) I love pandas, I have all of them except four. I tired for the Mystical Panda , i just didn’t get lucky enough.

  8. sasha0190 says:

    I want one so badly they are so cute i do not have any of then so cute

  9. Kristy256 says:

    i have the first 2 :D

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