Webkinz Pet Showcase: Rockerz Pets!


In this showcase, we’ll look at the special line of Webkinz Rockerz pets that you might encounter around Kinzville!






90 Responses to Webkinz Pet Showcase: Rockerz Pets!

  1. Milkyrose4362 says:

    Here are my names I think I’m gonna name them so far, except for the cat and the zebra as I had mentioned on my previous comment: Coyote: Taylor, (for Taylor swift) Papillon: Roxie, Black dog: Deshane, Cow: Mandala, Puppy: Justin, Bunny: D-Jones, Bulldog: Black Bone The rest I can’t of anything yet

  2. ca10lu says:

    I wish I had a rockerz pet now. I would probably get the puppy because we all know who it looks like and I like it’s psi.

  3. katrocks25 says:

    I have the poodle and racoon rockerz pets. Both can be purhused at 5 bellow.

  4. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    Wow, the only one I have so far is the Rockerz Bunny! I need to start getting more Rockerz… come to think of it, I really need to become DELUXE. Then after saving up my E-store points, I think I’ll buy that Rockerz Coyote.

  5. CLA_soccer says:

    I have the bunny!!! Bring back 365 days of give ways!!!

  6. duckgirl1118 says:

    I have the Papillion named Lilly.

  7. Pokekinz says:

    I love the Rockerz Coyote’s Pet Specific Clothing…. Man, I’m s glad I got it in trading; Missie never looked so fashionable. XD

  8. bethany383 says:

    Oh, i love all of the Rockerz pets! Except for the Rockerz Puppy. He looks like Justin Bieber.

  9. ilovemlp22 says:

    Aww so cute. I have the Rockerz Bunny, Bulldog, and Cow. I really wish the coyote was a plush! Are the Rockerz pets discountinued? If not, is Ganz planning on releasing more?

  10. ilovemoonie says:

    Hmm, I don’t have any of these. I don’t really like Rockerz pets. Never have. They just look kinda…wierd, to me. There are a few though, that I sort of like, like the papillon and the leopard, and the coyote. All the rest though….well, I guess you’d just say they’re not my kind of pet. That’s just my opinion though. Maybe one day I’ll get a Rockerz pet, to see if I like them, but, they’re not at the top of my want list, that’s for sure.

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