Webkinz Pet Showcase: Rockerz Pets!


In this showcase, we’ll look at the special line of Webkinz Rockerz pets that you might encounter around Kinzville!






90 Responses to Webkinz Pet Showcase: Rockerz Pets!

  1. RockRfox says:

    Rockerz are the pets that got me into Webkinz in the first place, specifically the Rockerz Fox which was my very first pet (aside from the cat I got for making an account). I even made my username on here based on it. And this past Christmas I also got the Rockerz Cow. I would love to get even more because their items and outfits are the coolest! I hope Ganz keeps them around for a looooong time!

  2. MEG_WEBKINZ says:

    I have the Monkey, 2 of the Zebra, Horse, Raccoon, Papillon Dog, Lion, Poodle, Bunny, & Leopard! :D I love Rockerz!!! <3

  3. maggiegonca says:

    I love Rockers Cat!

  4. megamom12 says:

    I didn’t realize that there were so many! I have the Horse and the Leopard. My grandchildren have the Bulldog and the Lion. I think that they may have the Cat as well.

  5. lunateaghan says:

    I have the Rockerz Leopard and the Rockerz Raccoon!

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    This Rockerz Pets showcase is a fantastic idea! I have been wanting to get a Rockerz Pet for a while now. The pet’s PSI has a lot to do with my decision to add them to my webbie family. Seeing the whole group together like this and being able to compare is REALLY helpful! Thanks Webkinz team! I now see a Rockerz Pet in my near future!

  7. webkinzlover506 says:

    i have the rockerz cow! she is so cute! :D her name is daisy.

  8. Hhayes says:

    I have the Rockerz Coyote and that’s probably my favorite. But I also like the Rockerz Cow, Rockerz Leopard, and Rockerz Dog. =D

  9. beaubo says:

    i have 5 of them!

  10. FoxesRule612 says:

    I love the Rockerz Fox! She’s adorable! =^^= and I like the Coyote too!

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