Webkinz Pet Showcase: Rockerz Pets!


In this showcase, we’ll look at the special line of Webkinz Rockerz pets that you might encounter around Kinzville!






90 Responses to Webkinz Pet Showcase: Rockerz Pets!

  1. julieperkins says:

    i have a lot of rockerz

  2. happypaws1234 says:

    I adopted a rockerz cat!

  3. Chocolate55 says:

    i looked on amazon and they don’t have the rockerz puppy?

  4. Kamots55 says:

    The Rockerz Leopard is my favorite! :D

  5. kaela0214 says:

    I have the Rockerz Cow her name is Daffodil.

  6. mseleven says:

    i have all of them but the two rockerz puppy and the coyote i am miserytoministry not mseleven ok

  7. christianfroggy1420 says:

    My one and only Rockerz has a long story behind her adoption. We bought her and waited a week for her to come in, and another day or two went by before I decided on a name for her. At last after 9 days waiting she was coming home to my webkinz family, but when I went to put the code in it had already been used. I was so sad I almost cried :’( We contacted the person we bought her from and after two more days they refunded us. The money was enough to get one on pet day sale and to make a sad story the best ever they said I didn’t have to send her back. So I got a free plush and was able to adopt her. I named her Western Beauty. She is the cutest Rockerz Horse EVER. She has a few strings loose and her head is bent from previous storage, but she’s in better hands now. Her defects and mess ups make one of a kind. No Rockerz Horse will ever look like her. Happily Ever After <3

  8. Elessar says:

    Wow – I didn’t realize there were that many! I’ve got the lion (Lionel Rockinz), the raccoon (Ziggy Stardust) and the yet unnamed/unadopted fox (still trying to think up a good name for it). I’d love to get them all, but especially the bunny, the papillon dog and that totally cool cat!!!!

  9. chloetyuiop1 says:

    I have the Rockerz Cow and I love her so much, her name is Moo moo and she’s super special to me as she’s my only rockerz pet.

  10. MisakiKt says:

    I have the rockerz cat! YAY!

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