Webkinz Podkinz Ep 123: Companion Pet Winner & Pineapple Plushy Giveaway!


In this episode of Podkinz, Mandy and Michael review the Companion Pet contest finalists and reveal the winning design! At the end of the show, Mandy and Michael sneak peek the 3 new Halloween room themes you’ll be able to choose from this year and give away a code for a Pineapple Plushy.




Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next Podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special gift!


63 Responses to Webkinz Podkinz Ep 123: Companion Pet Winner & Pineapple Plushy Giveaway!

  1. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I hope the Adventure Park Backpack Quest is Nafarious Ploy, Weather Worries or Ghost Pirate Princess Rescue. The Cauldron Cafe & the Trick or Treat Street are my choices for the Halloween theme. Pittiesrule

  2. duckess1 says:

    Mandy playing Tripe Strike Solitaire and Michael cheering her on was the funniest I’ve ever seen on Podkinz. Both of you have a wonderful vacation. I will miss you guys.

  3. abbytay123 says:

    Im so excited for the Halloween themes! I think im going to like the treat street the most since we dont really have too many “street” themes you can buy in the wshop. Congrats to all the finalists and the winner for the pet design contest!

  4. MaliceLaStrange says:

    Major decision will be between trick or treat st and cauldron cafe, I like the sound of a cafe better but i’ll wait to see the concept art first. But i dont have interest in some sparkly vampire room

  5. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Ahhh, I absolutely HATE pineapples, BUT I LOVE THE PLUSHY! I even have the glasses AND I got the Katy Perry scented pineapple flip flops too! And I haven’t watched the video yet though, but I will soon!

  6. larzy says:

    Trick. Or. Treat. Street! So many possibilities. Urban street, suburban street, spooky, rural gravel street (with some stream/ditch tiles?!!!). Glowing houses, rickety shacks with eyes in the window, spooky street gutter, candy litter, mysterious footprints. Speaking of Halloween and doors to knock on, I purchased the Trick or Treat Door. I love it, and noticed there was one for Thanksgiving w/ a chocolate turkey treat. I missed out on purchasing and regularly look for. Will that be re-released? I hope so.

    • EmeraldCity says:

      Yeah, larzy…The Trick or Treat Street one caught my interest right away, can’t wait for the concepts to see.

    • Katz1259 says:

      Wow larzy you have some awesome ideas!! love them. I have never seen the Thanksgiving door but now I will also be on the lookout for it! Have you seen the Thanksgiving Dinner Oven that gives you one part of a Thanksgiving dinner each day? I haven’t bought it …yet. Just not really keen on the design of it, myself and there are so many other items I have on my wish list.

  7. greencar says:

    The pineapple plushy is so cute!! Thank you!! And-I love Halloween!! Can’t wait til the new Halloween theme!!! Just too much fun!!!

  8. EmeraldCity says:

    Thank you Michael and Mandy, the Pineapple Plushy is adorable!!! Can’t wait to get it logged in July 3rd. Have a nice vacation time, Happy Canada Day on July 1st to you all! :) and Happy 4th of July! BBQ away!

  9. xxmgn says:

    AAHH!! I cant WAIT to get my pineapple plushy it is the cutest thing ever!!

  10. Alphaowlbear says:

    That Pineapple Plushie is about the cutest thing ever! I can’t stop smiling every time I see the picture – thank you for such a wonderful little gift!

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