Webkinz Top 10: Most Popular Fashions!


This year’s Webkinz Day will also be the 10th anniversary for Webkinz World! To help celebrate, we’re doing a series of Top 10 Lists about all things Webkinz!


Top 10 Most Popular Fashions in Webkinz World:


#10.  Jeans



131 Responses to Webkinz Top 10: Most Popular Fashions!

  1. animouse says:

    Have all of them :D

  2. beaubo says:

    I have all of them!

  3. SunbrightDestinygirl says:

    Wow. I never remember buying any of these items. Well, except for the eyeglasses. I’ve bought those. :)

  4. xoingtoby says:

    I wonder how the “most popular” are picked – These fashions are some of the oldest ones that were created back when the game practically started. It’s no wonder it would be most popular if it was picked by how many times they have been bought – they’ve been around longer!

  5. lol12345 says:

    I’ve had all of them. I’m surprised the cute cropped jacket isn’t in there though. When I was little I had I for all my webkinz pretty much.

  6. xCountryKinz17 says:

    Wut about the rockstar glasses (or as I call them) swaggy glasses?

  7. TaffyKitty12 says:

    I think I own all of these, but I almost never dress my pets in them. Hmm.. weird. ;)

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Oh, and also, I have something that I just wanted to say. I’ve been thinking, and well, I decided I’ll be on here much less than I am now. I’ll still be on here every once and a while. but not as often. Don’t get me wrong, I love being on here, but it takes up a lot of my time. I barely play on Webkinz as much as I used to, since I’m on here a lot. I’ve been thinking about this the last few months, and it wasn’t easy for me to make this decision. I won’t be quitting this or anything like that, I’ll just be on here much, much less. I’ll still be on my Webkinz account a lot, just not on here a lot. Well, I guess this is bye for now. ;) ~TaffyKitty12

      • webkinzrose says:

        nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo don’t do that you one of the reasons i started this acount );

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Really? Aww… maybe I am making the wrong decision……..

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            TaffyKitty12, I think you are making a very good decision. Being able to recognize when something is monopolizing your time is an important life skill. Seriously, I know many adults who struggle with spending way too much time on social media. I think it’s great that you figured it out! And you don’t have to give it up entirely. If you limit your time on the comments it will give you back the time to do other the things you need & want to do. Well done!

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Thanks 1Emerald1! I plan on commenting on the future, I have no current plans of quitting WKN, I think I’ll just manage my time more on it by commenting less than I do now. And by less, it’ll probably have to be a lot less, since I comment a lot nowadays, but I’ll still be on here from time to time! ;)

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            That makes perfect sense. If I find I’m spending too much time on here, I limit myself to reading/making comments once a day. If I get really busy, I check in every few days. My friends don’t mind if I’m slow responding, they know I’ll catch up with them eventually. Good luck with everything you’re doing!

      • fisher420wk says:

        taffykitty12, could you please friend me on webkinz? I’d like a new friend

      • pinkdogcandy says:

        Me too. Glad you came to that decision as well! XD

      • balletbear5M says:

        Hey TaffyKitty12, I know I’ve said this before, but I’m “taking a break” as well, I just think I’ve been spending WAY to much time on here!:( Plus, I don’t really go on my actual webkinz account anymore. Plus, I tried to respond to you on another page, it was completely appropriate, but GANZ didn’t approve it. Let’s just say I don’t want to get up super early and try to be the first one comment just to not even get it posted!:( Thank you to everyone who has been extremely nice to me (TaffyKitty12, 1Emerald1, and Pearl757!:) This isn’t a good bye, but more of just a “see you later!”;)

        • kittymade10 says:

          Man!!! I was looking forwrad to being friends with you!!

        • 1Emerald1 says:

          you will be missed, balletbear5M! Come back when you have time. >^..^<

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            ey balletbear5M. I agree with everything you said. I think I’ve been spending like, way, way, too much time on here over the last few months. I haven’t been able to play much on my W.W account much either, and when I do go on there, I barely have any time to play, and I have a lot of things I want to do on there that I don’t get to do, like send thank you’s to my friends who sent me gifts. Also, same thing happens to me when I make comments sometimes. I have no clue why. It’s appropriate and yet it doesn’t get through. Well, the only thing I can think of is that there too long, since most of my comments that don’t go through are super long ones. And also, thank you so much for being a great friend on here! You were always so nice and I’m glad I got to know you on here! Well, I guess I’ll see you later, too. ;)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Sorry, I meant “hey” not “ey”. I always seem to make mistakes like that.

  8. bear10201 says:

    I bet I am one of a few that do not own a single piece of clothing. Just not my thing.

  9. mikayla1 says:

    I have a lot of those almost all of them. I have also traded some.

  10. JellystonePark says:

    I have all of them! I remember that the smocked sundress was the 1st piece of clothing I ever bought when I started playing Webkinz!

    • jkj1004 says:

      Webkinz should have a Design A Hat Contest! that would be cool!

      • CarrotJuice333 says:

        A design a hat contest WOULD be cool! (hint hint) Maybe the winner would get something super exclusive or even a deluxe membership for a year or somthing! Just an idea, though it would be cool.

        • TigerKinzKG says:

          the cxlothing from that list that i usually put on my pets are the dark shades and the cuffed jeans(actually my outfits usually always have cuffed jeans). SOMETIMES i use eyeglasses,jeans,and the black belt.

          • TigerKinzKG says:

            i’m sorry to say the but i aka snowbell will not be found in kinzchat plus park(or any park) as much. but don’t worry,i’m not quiting.and lava,country,or my9tail, if you could tell any of my other friends that would be GRReat

          • MidnightQueen says:

            Hmmm…. I’d say the WZ Jeans, Rock Star Leather Jacket, Plumpy’s Glasses, Nafaria’s Slippers, Swirling Leaf Tiara, and pieces of the B&W Cat Costume and Count the Sailboats clothing items would be the most popular, or at least the most sought after. ***MidnightQueen***

          • paperclip00 says:

            LOL, I don’t have any of these!

          • Schatzie says:

            Wow! I think that the cuffed jeans are great pants for almost “any outfit” in Webkinz!

          • otissandra says:

            I would buy the cuffed jeans or smocked sundress, but that’s about it out of this list. I like rare clothing items more but whatever! :)

          • fluff54 says:

            I have all those things except for the eyeglasses!!!!!! That means that my pet is a ……………………………………………….. fashionista!!!!!

          • bunnyfunfun101 says:

            Buddy me if you’re a diva

        • Lisamarie580 says:

          I think we should have a design a Halloween costume in October so we can be anything that’s safe for kids! I bet y’all know who I’d be. MIKEEY!!!!!!! Of course from the Bad short film. ~Michael Jackson Lives Forever~

      • ZooLove says:

        Or a design a different piece of clothing. Maybe a crazy sweater?

      • iluv2skate4ever says:

        Hey guys this is off topic, but I am adopting a Rockerz Punky Monkey soon! I am open to suggestions on his name! Thx everyone! ^_^

      • slicedpeaches77 says:

        Can someone please PLEASE send me yesterdays(friday) red box floaty I was so sick and was strictly to stay in bed:(((((I wasn’t allowed to to be on the computer:((( I will send you something in return thank you, slicedpeaches77

      • kittycity says:

        Maybe they could just have a Design a Clothing Item Contest for making ALL clothing!

      • grace20 says:

        that would be so much fun if they did a Desigh a Hat Contest. great idea jkj1004.

    • iluv2skate4ever says:

      I have all of them too! The first ever clothing I got for my pet was the Pink Popstar Outfit! I though I heard that it was a rare one or something…

    • nire6 says:

      Huh. I don’t dress my pets in any of those, really. Except for the few boys that I have. Most of my girls are in super fancy dresses. Idk, I just like them. It’s the way I would dress if it weren’t weird. Is it weird that I feel totally comfortable in a dress?

      • LadyBeauty says:

        I don’t think it is weird. I wear dresses, skirts with tops or sweaters etc. all the time. I am more comfortable in dresses than pants. I’m also short so that means if I get pants I end up having to cut off a lot of length and hem them. I hate to sew…, “so the long and short” of it is, I’d rather wear a dress. My family does Civil War Re-enactment so I also get to wear hoops under my period style dresses!! ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

    • elsafan13 says:

      I have (or had) all of them too. The hundreds was my favorite when I was little, I bought one for each of my pets and they never wore anything else for years xD

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