Webkinz Top 10: Most Popular Fashions!


This year’s Webkinz Day will also be the 10th anniversary for Webkinz World! To help celebrate, we’re doing a series of Top 10 Lists about all things Webkinz!


Top 10 Most Popular Fashions in Webkinz World:


#10.  Jeans



131 Responses to Webkinz Top 10: Most Popular Fashions!

  1. jellydonut says:

    My favorite wshop clothing are dark shades, party hat, fuzzy slippers, and sheriff’s belt

  2. legodude says:

    My favorite item are the cargo pants (not listed) but I LOVE the polka dot pjs too. Can’t wait for the next top 10 list!

  3. smarty0219 says:

    i have like never own any of these before since i started playing. and i thought that the candy dress and plumpy would be popular!! ( BTW i have the candy dress, but i want plumpy soo badly!!! )

  4. alice184 says:

    I feel like I’m in style class when I see these. That’s the only class my webbies have been able to complete in the two years I’ve been on.

  5. ada3211 says:

    Funny, all of the things on this list are very generic. All of the unique clothing items are either ugly, or Deluxe. Ganz has to come up with better clothing items if their most popular clothing items are generic.

  6. Caitybaby1 says:

    I don’t really own any of these pieces of clothing. hmm.

  7. ammusa27 says:

    What about a design a dress contest

  8. Kamots55 says:

    All very useful items. :)

  9. CheekyCat says:

    Fuzzy Slippers… EPICLY POPULAR. Can you do a showcase with the ten top Hardest to find items ever?

  10. ajj0403 says:

    I have all of them!!! I’ve definitely have these. :D

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