Where’s My Berry Challenge???

If you’re not seeing your Berry Festival Challenge icon in your room, that’s probably because you haven’t completed all of your ‘Welcome to Webkinz World’ Challenges. You need to play your Challenges to unlock the Berry Festival Challenge. So get to work on those Challenges because the Berry Festival Challenge is going to be berry, berry fun!

51 Responses to Where’s My Berry Challenge???

  1. zurizaige says:

    i still have not gotten my berry challenge and i have finished all my others, i do not have any icons. PLEASE HELP thanks zurizaige

  2. LissieKoo4 says:

    After reading some of the comments here, I checked and I had the prize for the berry challenge so I must have already done it. I think I must have got the challenge before the day it said and then completed it even before the day it said I would get it.

  3. LissieKoo4 says:

    I have no berry challenge and no challenge icons in my room except the marshmallow collecting. There was a challenge a while ago that required a deluxe membership to play the game. I am not deluxe so could not complete it, otherwise, I have completed all challenges. How can I complete challenges if they are not displayed???? Please help!!

  4. laureti says:

    does anyone know how to fix the “i can’t find the icon” issue? bc the challenge is about to end and i havent been able to do any of it so far. tnx

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