Which Theme is going Deluxe Only?


Big News for Deluxe Members Coming January 9


Being a Deluxe member gets even better on January 9! That’s because a full theme from the W Shop will retire to become Deluxe Only! This popular theme will join the magical Enchanted Train Station theme as the second full theme to be offered to Deluxe members only. Deluxe members will still be able to trade these items with non-Deluxe members in the Clubhouse and send them to their friends.


In addition to two exclusive Deluxe themes in the W Shop, every month Deluxe Members receive a rare item and an exclusive piece of clothing. They also enjoy extra jobs in the Employment office as well as extra classes at the Kinzville Academy, access to extra daily activities, the Deluxe Prize Machine and Wheel of Deluxe, extra items in the Curio Shop, eStore points, and more!


For as little as $3.75 a month, you can be enjoying the perks of Deluxe Membership too.


Watch this space, because on January 9, we will be announcing which full W Shop theme is being retired to Deluxe Only!


49 Responses to Which Theme is going Deluxe Only?

  1. petgirl876 says:

    i can barely buy anything anymore…. why i came back to webkinz i dont know but they took away my favorite games too…

  2. angrypanda says:

    Its the chic theme. look at the top of the page.

  3. iwantmahcookie says:

    i wish they told us wat the theme is :(

  4. roxey911 says:

    I honestly think it’s ridiculous that they don’t just tell us what theme. Its unfair that it’s this big secret.

  5. grs1005 says:

    What’s up with arcade games and other things going deluxe when we already had them. There”s many grandkids parents that can’t afford deluxe.

  6. schnauzersaregreat says:

    I’m a deluxe member. But this seems totally wrong.

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