Reminder: Win Adventure Park Digs on Webkinz Newz!


We hope you’ve had a chance to check out  Adventure Park which is open to EVERYONE during the month of February!

Visit the Adventure Park any time during the month of February and you’ll receive a special Valentine’s Day quest that everyone can do!

Need extra digs to complete your Quest?

Look for the Adventure Park Click to Win ad (displayed below) on Webkinz Newz during the month of February to win special Adventure Park Digs!  (One dig per Webkinz World account per day).

Make sure you already have an active Quest in Adventure Park to receive your Dig!

To receive a Quest, just visit Adventure Park and follow the instructions.

There are AMAZING PRIZES to be won!

246 Responses to Reminder: Win Adventure Park Digs on Webkinz Newz!

  1. kememp says:

    I have a black and white cat named Sunny. friend me, i’m kem on webkinz

  2. osbert173 says:

    i like webkinz because you get to play with anmial you buy

  3. Audrey says:

    This is awesome! I can’t wait! :)

  4. allycat77 says:

    I love the Adventure Park it is the most fun activity in webkinz world !!!!!1

  5. nicole says:

    i love the adventure park it has fun adventures and i have so many digs(75)

  6. kaylee2934 says:

    can’t beat loraxes quest, but i beat the valentine quest.

  7. aleenac says:

    I don’t know how to use the digs! Can someone please help me!?! Thanks

  8. webkenziet says:

    im going to!!!!!!

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