Winterfest Snowflake Prizes Revealed!


The Snowflakes will start to fall in Webkinz World on January 15th!


Remember, you won’t find Snowflakes in your pet’s room or at the Games Arcade so you’ll want to hang out in the Clubhouse or the Kinzville Park. Those are the best places to catch Snowflakes and you can meet new friends while you wait!


Each time you click on one you’ll be awarded a winter themed prize (limited to 5 prizes a day, per account). Here’s a look at what you can win:



Hungry for more Winterfest prizes? Also starting January 15th, look for boxes of Winterfest Cookies in the NEW & PROMOS section of the W-Shop.


Drag a box of Winterfest Cookies into your pet’s room to open it. Once it’s opened, your cookies will appear in your Dock. Drag and drop one onto your Webkinz to feed your pet. Each time you do, you’ll have a chance to win one of the following prizes:



Every time you feed your pet a Snowflake Cookie you’ll also have a small chance to win the Grand Prize: a Fancy Frozen Piano:



What Winterfest prize would you like to win the most? Please leave your comments below…


147 Responses to Winterfest Snowflake Prizes Revealed!

  1. ChristianCowgirl123 says:

    I NEED THESES! *winterfest dance* *falls to the floor and does a terrible somber-salt!

  2. pamlb56 says:

    Great prizes. I love the great prizes Ganz designs for these events. I miss being able to collect in my rooms though because I like to work there and it is nice to be able to collect in the arcade too. I hope they fix that soon.

  3. jewelov says:

    I love everything, cannot wait until Jan 15! I would also love a job designing things for webkinz it would be soon much fun!

  4. KHLovesPets says:

    Well i want the ice dress and teara and shose

  5. AmericanCivilWar1861 says:

    Aww I want that ice piano so bad! What exactly are the chances of winning it?

  6. lalathekido says:

    I want the dress and the suit. They’re so cute.

  7. MisakiKt says:

    Guess what? I WANT ALL OF THE PRIZES!!!!!! HA HA!!!!!!!

  8. givensm says:

    love the pillar candles and piano

  9. tarayvonne says:

    The picture and pillar are lovely. I’ll pass on the piano, I have a ton of pianos already and that one isn’t my style. I usually buy pets who have them if the graphics are nice.

  10. gelfling01 says:

    Only the clubhouse and park? Or might we also see them on the map, Curio shop, etc? I don’t like the clubhouse and park. :(

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