Daily Veggie Fest Gift


From August 17 – 26, log into your Webkinz account to get a daily Veggie Fest gift! It will be automatically added to your Dock as soon as you log in. Here’s a look at the schedule:



Drag Growing Garden seeds into your pet’s room to plant them! Which gift are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comment section below…



27 Responses to Daily Veggie Fest Gift

  1. chylerspaulson says:

    Anyone have an extra tomato hat? My username is the same as on here! I will send you a surprise gift!

  2. ImPoisoniv31 says:

    If anyone got an extra cucumber, please send it my way. poisoniv31. Ill send you back a hot pepper

  3. meandmykatz says:

    I missed the —–! Does anyone have one they are willing to trade me?

  4. hanako says:

    Does anyone know if we will able to buy the various seeds after the event, or is this the only way to get them?

  5. VenusJones says:

    Already got the tomato hot today-it’s so cute!

  6. noodle22 says:

    I’m most looking forward to all the seeds the basket and the market stand :)

  7. lefty says:

    Wondering….Is that veggie stand on the 26th to store things, put things on, or just decor? Anyone know? It’s going to go in my Boho Open Air Market room, love it.

  8. balloonmist says:

    I need that tomato hat! If I knew how to crochet I would make one for myself, it’s so cute!

  9. gml1939 says:

    I have been wanting Cantalope Seeds for the longest. I now have the 22nd marked on my calendar. We can usually get sweet, juicy Cantalope from our neighboring Texas. Have not been able to this year. Now, at least my pets can have some. Makes my mouth water to think of those Texas Cantalope! :-)

  10. weibzihu says:

    Looking forward to all the prizes. But the two I want the most is Daisy Doe plushy and the cantaloupe seeds.

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