Fan Mail with Fiona #60

It’s me, Fiona, back for another round of fan mail! As always, for my past answers, click here! If you miss me, you can always head to KinzPost and send a letter or a package, and I’ll deliver it for you! Don’t forget, you can add me as a friend by going to KinzChat and adding Fiona Feathers (include the space!).




Hello Fiona. I for got to ask you on my other question on here, will we be able to put our Silly Scoops in our webkinz rooms for decoration ? I love the new Silly Scoops. I order 6 of them. Nice job Ganz. Thank You. – AUNT09



Hi, AUNT09! Those Silly Scoops sure are cute, aren’t they? While I’d love to see those little guys running around Webkinz World, Silly Scoops are a completely different toy line by Ganz — they aren’t part of Webkinz World at all and don’t come with Feature Codes. We just loved them so much that we wanted to share them with you.





Dear Fiona, are the rare ancient civilizations estore items tradable or sellable? – kittymade10



Thanks for your question, kittymade10! The Ancient Civilizations theme items from Ganz eStore are not sendable/tradeable/sellable, no. They sometimes show up in Mystery Bags and Stockings, though. Good luck with your collection!




Dear Fiona, could you please ask your tech people why sometimes in the middle of a game, the message comes up “We’re sorry, we can’t log into Webkinz right now”? Are there too many people on the server, or is time limited to play games? Thanks! – NanaZaza



Goodness, that can be frustrating, NanaZaza! Most of the time, that message means that your internet connection was interrupted in some way — it may be that it got just a bit too slow, and the messages to and from Webkinz World timed out. This tends to happen more often if you’re on a wifi connection. There is no limit to how much time you can spend in Webkinz World, but certain areas, like the Clubhouse and Kinzville Park, can get slower when more people are connected. If you get logged out at the same point in the game each time, please send a message to so they can investigate.









Want to write to Webkinz?
Send your letters to:
Ganz #04360 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY



Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!



59 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona #60

  1. tkdmomof6 says:

    Dear Fiona – can you please check with the Webkinz folks about adding more prizes for people who have earned more than 1,000,000 family points. I really like having my pet hearts filled, but there is no point anymore because there are no more prizes.

  2. Alphaowlbear says:

    Dear Fiona – I would love to have a feature that would help me find items. I’ll admit that I’m not the most organized person, but my house keeps getting bigger and I keep accumulating more stuff. I’m sure I have an item but sometimes can’t remember where I stored it.

  3. ThatCatRollsInCash says:

    When I sign in, it always says there’s something wrong with the script. When I log in again, it’s gone. That happens everyday

  4. adrirocks says:

    Dear Fiona, When will more challenges be added to webkinz world? I am almost done with the big city challenge and from what I can find this is the last one. I always do the deluxe challenges but they are only once a month and some are not as fun as the regular ones.

  5. 1955tiny says:

    I have made all the HOSTS FRIENDS ! WHY OH WHY do you NEVER HELP ME GET 3 at a PARTY when your invited ??

  6. mscanada says:

    Can webkinz do away with non tradeable items policy. If webkinz is for fun and sharing whats the point of purchasing items you cant share. For those of us that have more than one account and one is main account that we make more rooms on would it make more sense to be be able to buy sell trade send items freely. I have 1 account i use for storage and daily plays. There is no inventive for me to purchase an item that i cant send to my other account or to a friend. Webkinz newz prizes for example. Why get the item if i cant send it. It will just there in my storage account. Samething with estore points. Why buy something i cant share or trade. While i understand its all about money in the end. If i cant spend my money the way i want i wont buy an item.

    • tink1706 says:

      I do understand I would like to send items to my main account. Others might send a valuable item and not realize it . I wish if we have an item sending it to another linked account. That could be a start.

  7. Kraft says:

    Is anyone else having the issues where webkinz crashes when trying to access the Curio shop store and various other places eg trying to buy clothing from the Kinzstyle outlet? It’s really frustrating and I hope it gets fixed soon…

  8. AUNT09 says:

    Hello Fiona. Thank you for answering my question on the Silly Scoops. I did get my 6 , and they are adorable. Do you think some day we might be able to get Mr. Moo’s outfit ? My pet loves wearing yours. Thank You.

  9. bubbashuka says:

    Dear Fiona, I was wondering if we will ever be able to have clothing sections on the web version of webkinz? That would be really great to have, because I have tons of clothes, and it takes so long to get to the end. Thanks! -bubbashuka

  10. PixiesAway says:

    What I’d like to know, is if I’m the only one, who even with cleaning my browsing history and running 2 different computer cleaning programs, all daily, if I’m the only one who tries to get into the club house and am automatically booted from Webkinz and back to sign in? This started about 2 weeks ago and happens on a daily basis. :-(

    • TropicalGirl says:

      I was using Safari browser and that happened all the time. Someone here suggested switching to Google Chrome and now it never happens. Can you switch browsers?

      • Ellen1970 says:

        did not help me – nor did their suggestion on stopping the music from playing in the arcade – worked on all other game website but not WW

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          The Arcade games will let you mute the music. If you’re trying to mute all sounds, you will either need to turn the sound off on your computer, or you can use Chrome and right click the window to open it as a tabbed window. Then you right click the tab and select “mute tab”

        • 1955tiny says:

          TRY turning thre VOLUME down on the computer itself. This is what I do and listen to my TV ;) .

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