Learn How To Link Your Webkinz Accounts!


Players can send items from their Webkinz Next accounts back to Webkinz Classic, and have collection event prizes sent from Classic to Next as long as both accounts are linked!


Linking your accounts is easy – just log in to Webkinz Next using the same username and password that you already use for Classic. And if you don’t have a Classic account, you can create one using your Next username and password! It’s that simple!



If you have created a new Webkinz Next account without using the same username and password as your Classic account, don’t worry! There is still a way to link your accounts.


In Webkinz Next, open the Options menu which you can find in the top right corner of your screen.



You can then tap “Create GANZ Account”. If you already have a Classic Account, you can enter it here and the accounts will be automatically linked. If you do not have a Classic account, you will have to create a Ganz Account. Then you can go over to Classic and use the same login/password to create an account there.


To send items back to Classic, look for the moving van at the bottom of your Dock when you’re logged into Next, and click on it. Now you can select which items you want to send.


Not all items are available to be sent back to Classic, so we’ve included a handy checkbox that isolates the items you can currently send. Certain items even offer the option to buy a duplicate before sending them off.



Now hit ‘Send’ and that’s it! The next time you log into Classic, you’ll see a message in the Message Center letting you know your item has been added to your Dock.



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.


7 Responses to Learn How To Link Your Webkinz Accounts!

  1. idaho10 says:

    I accidently created my next account with a different user name by one number. Is there a way to change it?

  2. jennykall178 says:

    I created a Webkinz Next account first. And when I try to create my classic account, I get an error message that says that username is already taken. How would I link my accounts in this situation? Thank you.

  3. ZadiraMM says:

    I didn’t play classic for years but then started Next with a new user. Is there a way to link them up? I couldn’t remember the account info for classic but now I found my little paper with the info on it. I have logged in to my old classic account and was astounded how much had changed. LOL Not sure if connecting them together is possible. Hope so, though.

  4. grandmaback says:

    This will be wonderful if it works. Hopefully we can send other items to Next from Classic also.

  5. kadielle says:

    Does the item remain in Classic also and duplicate sent to Next? Or are they all sent to Next and we have to send them back to Classic?

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