Log Into Webkinz On Valentine’s Day


Don’t forget to log into Webkinz World on February 14th to get your Valentine’s Day gift! It will automatically be awarded to your Dock as soon as you log in. Here’s a sneak peek of this year’s gift:




Can you guess what it is? Please leave your comments below…





59 Responses to Log Into Webkinz On Valentine’s Day

  1. Flufferstoots says:

    Can you imagine if they gave you Cinnamon as a pet instead of a plushy? There would be lots & lots of Cinnamons running around! XD

  2. raw1937 says:

    Cinnamon Plushy

  3. babyssss says:

    It will be fun to put the Cinnamon Plush into a special room that’s full of love!!!!

  4. cottoncandykayla says:

    I think its Cinnamon, the hamster that gives you the chocolate.

  5. julieperkins says:

    I think a Hamster plushy?

  6. merrydaisy says:

    It’s a Cinnamon plushy!

  7. wildone says:

    cinnamon plushy

  8. Nibbles123451209 says:

    I bet it’s a cinnamon plushie. I hope it is, I love plushies! :3

  9. Monsterousmouse says:

    It’s a cinnamon plush omg!!

  10. purrgirl2 says:

    Yes, another plushy!

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