May’s Featured Pets

58 Responses to May’s Featured Pets

  1. snowdog2002 says:

    what’s the deal with the schnauzer, I have been checking this web sight and the E-store since before may 1st and I have never seen more than the may pet announcement about it? If it is sold out (Which would be incredibly ridiculous by the way, especially since it’s still may), then why is there not even a description of it on this web sight like there is for the langur? I mean, if it sold out, it sold so fast that there aren’t even any on ebay or amazon! What’s the deal here?

  2. BlackBeauty says:

    oh….. its a golden langur, i thought golden lion tamarin…. was sorta close i guess. Just got back from a vacation to missouri.

  3. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    No!!! The King Schnauzer is sold out!!! Ganz, please bring it back in stock!!!

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