New Growing Garden Seeds


Look for the floating pack of seeds during Veggie Fest and click on it to earn a new pack of Growing Garden seeds! There are 5 to collect: cherry tomatoes, onions, lettuce, butternut squash and celery (limited to 2 a day for free players, 3 for full and 4 for Deluxe):



Drag a pack of Growing Garden seeds into your pet’s room to plant them. After a few days, your plants will be ready to harvest. Your pets will love Farm Fresh food! There are even 2 recipes you can make with these new veggies!


Combine Farm Fresh Butternut Squash, Onion and Celery on a stove, to make a hearty bowl of Summer Soup:



You can also make a Summer Sandwich by combining Farm Fresh Cherry Tomatoes, Lettuce and Bread on a sandwich maker:



One special pack of Growing Garden seeds will only be available from Webkinz Newz. From August 17 – 26, visit Webkinz Newz and click on the Daisy’s Patio header to get a pack of Growing Garden Parsnip Seeds!



Play Webkinz every day during Veggie Fest and collect as many seeds as you can!



63 Responses to New Growing Garden Seeds

  1. string says:

    I’m hoping that we can use some of the veggies I have in my root cellar that are not Farm fresh, like the radish and others, that I have, and I don’t think there are seeds for them, that I have collected for awhile will come in handy. :)

  2. FreeBird says:

    So excited about new seeds – LOVE the gardening seeds and food it provides for the pets!

  3. whiteuni7 says:

    I love the variety of garden seeds and I am so happy that these are available for all players! I hope I will be able to collect all of them!

  4. lavenderrose1 says:

    So excited for the new seeds! Will we be able to access golden apple seeds again?

  5. gml1939 says:

    Finally. the Summer Soup and Summer Sandwich – using foods that you would actually use in the soup and the sandwich. I may be the only one who doesn’t know, but why is the Lettuce brown? I only know green lettuce! lol

  6. jdtall says:

    Yay!!! I can’t wait for these new seeds. I have an empty outdoor room ready and waiting. Life is good :)

  7. kaye10 says:

    YAY x 5!!!!! can’t wait for seeds & recipes–sure hope getting them all is not impossible! best, k.

  8. autumnleavesfly says:

    Seeds are one of my favorite part of Webkinz! I’m so excited to have more veggies!!!

  9. Peanut18 says:

    This is so exciting!!! I love the new seed selection.

  10. grampam313 says:

    I love the garden and then making special foods for my pets. I just wish they wouldn’t get so grumpy and start yawning and want to be put back to bed while I’m cooking. Please fix this so we can do stuff like this longer with a pet as it’s so much fun. Can’t wait to rearrange my entire garden for the new seed additions.

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