Recess Updates



The next time you take your pet for recess following site updates on August 26, look for the following new prizes at the Kinzville Academy:



The Principal’s Office Desk is being replaced with the new Academy Tuba on the Merry Go Round. If you click on the tuba, you can watch your pet practice for the school concert!



What did you find in the sandbox the last time you went digging during recess? You’re in luck if you happened to find the Row of Lockers, Academy Laptop or the Kinzville Academy Hoodie. These items are being retired from the sandbox to make room for the new Academy Lockers!



Everyone receives a special packed lunch from Ms. Cowoline following recess. I hope your pets are hungry, because 3 new items are being added to the menu! Your pets will love the Farm Fresh Veggies, A+ Almond Milk and slice of Teacher’s Pet Pizza!



36 Responses to Recess Updates

  1. abbytay123 says:

    That pizza looks so good XD

  2. jediknightpie says:

    oh I love the tuba chair, always appreciate more instruments

  3. ultrasonic3 says:

    I have 14 days to go so no chance of getting the hoodie, but on the bright side I do have the desk.

  4. FreeBird says:

    Don’t think I ever got the hoodie in all the times I get recess…hmm

  5. sparklysnail says:

    for the sandbox, why are 3 items being retired and only replaced with 1?

  6. Austenshire says:

    I don’t get to recess often, but I think I have most of the retiring items. I am going to miss the academy hoodie. As long as the new lockers hold as many clothes as the old ones, I will be happy.

  7. gingerdare says:

    I wish that we’d been given more of a warning. I’d have liked to go to recess at least one more time before everything retired, but I’ve still got a week of classes to go. Bummer.

  8. purplepot1 says:


  9. imapinkpup says:

    I am SO excited for the Academy Tuba!! I’ve wanted to make a band room on Webkinz for a long time but could never find the right chairs to use. This will be amazing!!

  10. babymoose88 says:

    Just wondering if anyone had extras of the retiring items that they could send me. :) -bm88

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