Sneak Peek: Winterfest Cookies


Starting January 1st, look for boxes of Winterfest Cookies on sale at the W-Shop for eStore Points. You’ll find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop.



Drag a box of Winterfest Cookies into your pet’s room to open it. Once it’s opened, your cookies will appear in your Dock. Drag and drop one onto your Webkinz to feed your pet. Each time you do, you’ll have a chance to win one of the following prizes including the Gand Prize: A Snow Fort Slide:


What do you think of this year’s Snowflake Cookie prizes? Will you be picking up a pack of cookies for your pets? Please leave your comments below…



51 Responses to Sneak Peek: Winterfest Cookies

  1. 1955tiny says:

    I would like Wacky for a HALLOWEEN ROOM ! hE IS WHITE LIKE A ghost !!

  2. Kitty4045 says:

    I want………the…………….DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. splashsgirl says:

    I love all of the prizes from the snowflakes to the cookies I cant wait!

  4. granma4 says:

    I wish I could get excited. Those are awesomw prizes BUT I don;t have eStore points I don’t have that kind of account :( Sooooooooooo Sad

  5. kin2832 says:

    Wish these outfits were in the kinzstyle outlet!:(

  6. Auntruthie309 says:


  7. Spiderhulkman says:

    I just want the plush….

  8. Beckinz8 says:

    I would love to get my hands on those bleachers – I have several rooms where I could put them to good use. Those figure skating outfits are adorable! I love how the WW design team is giving our pets the opportunity to embrace popular Canadian sports, like ice hockey and skating. Our pets can be well- rounded athletes and participate in a different sport every season. (There are different colored American football uniforms, basketball, and baseball wallpapers, soccer flooring, and now ice hockey items. I may be forgetting some sports, but you get the idea!)

  9. Inkblot says:

    I hope I get that tree, or the skates, assuming we will get a free cookie or two….

  10. duckgirl1118 says:

    i love these prizes one problem, i don’t have store points and i don’t want to spend my money on points when i can spend the on plush pets. :( Oh well

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