Coming Soon: Musical Dalmatian

Check out the Musical Dalmatian, one of May 2013′s featured Webkinz pets!

95 Responses to Coming Soon: Musical Dalmatian

  1. Snowflake Pup Queen says:

    Gonna spend my tooth money on this lol

  2. yasmine100000 says:

    AWWWWWWWWWWWW! So cute! <3

  3. moonpetal says:

    i hope that they will make a webkinz miniature pinscher! cause i have one! They could make a black one and a tan one like my puppy! :D :D

  4. lazygal says:

    Too cute! I bet this one will go out fast that I want this one more than the other ones in the month May.

  5. Webkinz User says:

    omigosh they keep coming out with pets that are my favorite things!! I play piano so I must must must must must have!

  6. AJRocks says:

    I want it so bad and over at The Cracker Barrel sells webkinz thats were i get all mine!

  7. Justice3744 says:

    Cute! I love music, and I love Dalmatians! Could it get any better? c:

  8. MerMer0106 says:

    This is so cool! I play the violin and take voice lessons, so obivously I can name all of the notes, cleffs, and dynamics on this pup!

  9. blueflapjack says:

    This is so cute!!! I play music myself so this is one of my favorite pets!!!

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