Coming Soon: Musical Dalmatian

Check out the Musical Dalmatian, one of May 2013′s featured Webkinz pets!

95 Responses to Coming Soon: Musical Dalmatian

  1. rockingbox says:

    I love mustaches!

  2. sare678mno says:

    C. u .t .e

  3. skittles1234 says:

    I luv it!!!!!! I plan on getting it when hallmark gets it shipped in!!!! (hallmark sells webkinz!) WHat should it be named…it looks like a girl to me…Liberty…(i can’t use harmony my pet has a webkinz named that!!!!i like to be diffrent!) Names:Liberty, Grace..IDK!

  4. pandagal18 says:

    my older sister would love it.I love it to……………………………………

  5. lril5 says:

    its eyes look too spread apart but its pretty cool

  6. DOGLOVER13 says:

    I don’t like it AT ALL.

  7. livihope11 says:

    sounds cool I would enjoy getting it

  8. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I hope they sell near us.

  9. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I really want this! I play guitar and piano. Love this puppy Ganz!

  10. bubchito1 says:

    I love this dog! My daughter plays many instruments & teaches several different ones. This would be perfect for her and for me since I enjoy music! Good luck finding this one!

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