Webkinz Beaver Retires!

ATTENTION ALL BEAVER OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made! If you have this pet as part of your collection, make sure that you visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend for 2 special ALL DAY events! On Saturday you can play a mini game for prizes and Sunday you’ll be able to press the BIG Button of KinzCash! Stay tuned for more pets retiring soon… and congratulations… your pet is now a collector’s item!

74 Responses to Webkinz Beaver Retires!

  1. ladeeda says:

    oh well thats too bad

  2. CottonCandylover11 says:

    Bye! We will miss you! -CottonCandylover11

  3. meatball77 says:

    :-( :-( :-( :-( SO SAD!!!

  4. barto13 says:

    tried to do the sailboat last saturday on both of our accounts and they froze up trying to count the boats so lost out on the special for the beaver..did this happen to anyone else

  5. mebtn says:

    I have the beaver. bye beaver. webkinz has a big blow

  6. JustyKopietz says:

    I never really liked the beaver’s teeth… But i am still going to miss it, and i feel bad for the people that do not have it but want it.

  7. kittytwokat says:

    :( It was adorable Here lies the beaver

  8. crokasmom says:

    I own the beaver but was on a pre-planned camping trip all weekend w/o access to Webkinz to do the activities. Kind of a bummer one has 2 days to celebrate/grieve retirement…

  9. erinsoccerstar says:

    Awe now pets are retiring again:( I wonder why? Maybe people aren’t buying that webkinz a lot or something lol. A d then count the sailboats is coming back and it brings down the whole priceless value for sail. Unless its just a opportunity for people to get sail lol I hope they don’t retire any cats or I will be MAD at ganz xd

  10. Webkinzcazygal says:

    I wish They did this when My ribbon unicorn retired I didn’t know for a long Time that my webkinz retired Lol! (:

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