Webkinz Beaver Retires!

ATTENTION ALL BEAVER OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made! If you have this pet as part of your collection, make sure that you visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend for 2 special ALL DAY events! On Saturday you can play a mini game for prizes and Sunday you’ll be able to press the BIG Button of KinzCash! Stay tuned for more pets retiring soon… and congratulations… your pet is now a collector’s item!

74 Responses to Webkinz Beaver Retires!

  1. ladeeda says:

    he is cute but its ok that i dont have him even though i got to admit he is really cute not little LOL why does he have bones in back ground?

  2. nonopuppy123 says:

    LOL Bones in the backroud

  3. viperez says:

    Awwww I really wanted the beaver. He’s so cute!

  4. CheyenneAutumn says:

    This is one of my favorite pets and am sorry to see it retired. I especially like it’s Pet Specific Item. =)

  5. gingerhorsez2 says:

    So long, beaver. Your fellow Webkinz members will miss you dearly. :(

  6. snugglefer says:

    if I were sold out I would be mad

  7. Agentequ says:

    Wait if you have a beaver does that mean it would go away?

  8. Agentequ says:

    Aww poor beaver

  9. austinlael says:

    I have the beaver but I sold his gift bummer :(

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