Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
We know it’s probably the last thing you want to hear, but the new school year is right around the corner. As most of you Webkinz World™ users have come to learn, the Daily Activities times change throughout the year. In the Summer there are way more activities throughout the day for everyone to enjoy. During the school year however, there are a lot less activities, because we know you’re all busy during the day. So for today’s Feedback Friday, we’d like to know how and when you spend your time in Webkinz World.
This week’s question is…
When do you normally play Webkinz?
Do you wake up extra early and play in the mornings? Or do you come home and get all your homework done so that you have all night to play? Whenever you play in Webkinz World, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
i’m homeschooled, so i get on all the time.
In the summer i like to play webkinz in the morning after i wake up or after breakfast. Then i go on again in the late afternoon.
Excuse me webkinz, but for all the people in Australia we can’t be playing on webkinz all day because we are in the middle of the school year. You do know there are other people in this world apart from the U.S.A. and Canada?
I usually log on about 8 AM CST. Maybe again later, depending on the Todays Activities. I like ot get Free Spree Bonus rolls and extra spins on the Wheel of WOW
I usually play on webkinz at any time 3:45 and 7:30 on school days but on weekands almost anytime i can because webkinz is the best!!
During summer I get on when I have free time, but during school from around 4:30 (when I get home) to around 6 or 7.
almost everyday and around 4:00
I usually play webkinz on the weekdays around 4-8 o’clock. On the weekends i’m off and on all day.