Adventure Park Contest

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Have you met the Adventure Park pets yet? The first six pets are the Pink Pony, Spotted Leopard, Mud Hippo, Chimpanzee, Koala and Spotted Frog. Tell us which of these Adventure Pets is your favorite in 1000 characters or fewer and you could win a virtual version of the pet (the “Prize”)!

The contest opens at 12:00am EST on September 10, 2011 and ends at 11:59 pm EST on September 18, 2011. For details on how to enter the contest and the official contest rules, click here.

Visit the Contests page on September 10 to enter this contest. Entries in the comments will not be considered.

159 Responses to Adventure Park Contest

  1. faith says:

    PINK PONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 2mydaughter says:

    hey my favorite webkinz adventure pet is the webkinz spotted frog!
    It is super duper cute!
    I love it!

  3. peacegirl1530 says:

    My favorite Adventure Park pet is the Spotted Leopard it’s the only cutest one in there I know about. I do have a Koala plush toy, but somehow I lost the secret code for it. So my favorite is the Spotted Leopard.
    Have a purr-fect day!!!

  4. Michelle says:

    I like the Hippo the best. I would really like to get one but everywhere I look they are sold out.

  5. starpelt says:

    I have the pink pony with no code :( wish i could enter the contest if i did i would pick the pink pony for the code i would have THE BEST ENTRY

  6. valentinehipo says:

    mud hippo

  7. matthew says:

    mines aliex lion

  8. Emily H says:

    I like the Koala It’s so CUTE! Wish me very good LUCK!

  9. keekeow says:

    I want the pink pony because I all ready have the koala and the spotted lepord .

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