Alex’s Sweet Craft









This is a super-easy (and yummy) craft!

What you need:
Candy bars, scrapbooking paper, scissors, glue stick, markers

What you do:

  1. Cut your scrapbooking paper to fit over top of the wrapped chocolate bar.
  2. Decorate your paper – create your own chocolate bar name and design.
  3. Glue the paper in place.
  4. Make a whole bunch of these – they’re very popular!

16 Responses to Alex’s Sweet Craft

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    Thats great Alex.

  2. Cinderpelt says:

    That’s cute, Alex! Good job ;) The wrappers will get thrown away, but it’s the thought (or action…) that counts :D


  3. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    OOPS! I’m so sorry, i forgot to click the reply button! THAT WAS FOR STARBURST! (sorry for caps, just need to get Starburst’s attention)

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Alex! What a great idea! Thank you!!

  5. SapphireSea says:

    Pretty cute. Of course, the wrappers would get thrown away, so it’s kind of useless. It might be good for party favors, though.

  6. WebkinzWizard:) says:

    Cute! I like this craft.

    the *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

  7. gymdog says:

    oh,i like yours! good job Alex =D

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