All about me: Roberta











If you’ve always wanted to know all about Roberta Rabbit, read on!


Name: Roberta Ann Rabbit


Age: 12


Family Members:  My mom, my dad and me!


Special Talent: I can sing, dance, act AND play the harmonica. Quadruple threat!


Most Embarrassing Moment: When I was climbing over the fence two years ago, my jeans got snagged on a piece of chain link. The whole back ripped and everyone saw my underwear!


Best Moment: Singing in the concert a couple of Christmases ago. I was the soloist!


Friends Say I Am: Friendly, caring, optimistic, smart, fashion-challenged, sensitive, a good listener


My Favorite Food Is: Carrot cake!


My LEAST Favorite Food Is: Pineapple. YUCK!


If I Could Be ANYTHING When I Grow Up, I’d Be: I’ve always wanted to be an actress or a singer…but I also enjoy playing the harmonica…and I can read music. I’m always coming up with songs, so maybe I’ll be a composer? Who knows!


This Year, I Hope: To star in the musical (I’m also hoping we HAVE a musical!).

24 Responses to All about me: Roberta

  1. Glimy says:

    Cool! I love singing too!
    I love music too, but does not understand a thing about it. ;(


  2. Mercy77 says:

    How can she not like pineapple if her favorite food is carrot cake. Most carrot cake recipies I’ve seen have pineapple in them.

  3. imeeyore says:

    I want Roberta’s outfit. Can you PLEASE PLEASE put it in the W Shop???

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