All About Me: Sparky












Sparky Fact here to tell you all about…me!


Name: Sparky Fact


Age: 12


Family Members:  My mom, my dad, my Uncle Arte


Special Talent: I can do pretty awesome bike tricks (like really big jumps). I can also skateboard…and I’m awesome at video games. Oh! And I can read a compass.


Most Embarrassing Moment: When I had a line in the school play last year and it was my turn to speak. Instead of saying my line, a gigantic burp came out. I turned SO red.


Best Moment: When my friends in the ‘Kinz Crew and I found the Adventure Park! SO AMAZING!


Friends Say I Am: Adventurous, brave, strong, smart, silly, loud, funny


My Favorite Food Is: Hamburgers and baked potatoes


My LEAST Favorite Food Is: Pumpernickel bread – ugh.


If I Could Be ANYTHING When I Grow Up, I’d Be: An adventurer! Just like my Uncle Arte, I’ve always wanted to see the world and explore. I can’t wait to be an adventurer like him. Maybe I’ll even run the Curio Shop one day!


This Year, I Hope: To play baseball, hockey, football…and maybe soccer. And to get straight A’s!

17 Responses to All About Me: Sparky

  1. Michael Jackson's #1 fan says:

    Hi Sparky! your the best among the kinz! I wish I could be your friend someday…

  2. remorso11 says:

    I LOVE pumpernickle bread!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Glimy says:

    What`s pumpernickel bread?
    I`ve been on stage for the most of my life but I`m still scared of the crowd.
    Even when I`m just going to answer a question in the classroom. And it gets worse. :(


  4. SciFiBeatlesGleek says:

    Yeah! Your the best Sparky!!!! :D Oh and I know how you feel with the school play, i screwed up once too. Good thing i didn’t like the play lol :)

  5. tarabella9 says:

    Aw, that’s cute how he wants to run the Curio Shop and be an explorer like his uncle. :)

  6. corrine says:

    Wow Sparky! Didn’t know all that stuff about you!:)

  7. WinterFawn says:

    Interesting. I didn’t like all the school rooms. Some of them had prehistoric stuff…ugh………not professional/nice enough.

  8. Oshawott says:

    Awesome! Im really good at vid games too!

    • Heatherstem says:

      …As good as Booger, Sparky? LOL! I mean, as obsessed?

      • Jitterbug says:

        Definatly not! Sparky knows how to have fun not obsessed with video games he probably thinks of video games the way most of us humans think of chocolate (okay so maybe not me but i said most humans) a sometime food. Sparky plays outside most of the time video games are probably his rainy day activitie, when he’s not jumping in puddles with stoogles! Oh wait i’m not a human does is that a good reason to really really like chocolate? I’m a:

  9. Howrse H.L.G (Horse Lover Girl) says:

    Poor Sparky! That MUST have been embbarasing!

    *Howrse H.L.G*

  10. Heatherstem says:

    My mom makes the best pumpkin bread… I know it was PUMPERNICKEL he said… but still…!!!

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