Challenge Sneak Peek: Communal Contest

Curious about what this weekend’s challenge will be? You’ll be over the moon when you find out! That’s right, space cadets, time to brush up on your lugbot-smashing skills and help Dex Dangerous protect the moon from the nefarious Lunar Lugbotz!


If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time! Just visit the Communal Contest section of the Kinzville Times and vote for your preferred prize! The prize with the most votes will be revealed tomorrow. Remember, in order to unlock the prize, you’ll need to vote AND play Lunar Lugbotz this weekend!

28 Responses to Challenge Sneak Peek: Communal Contest

  1. kittycaty says:

    This Sounds easy! I hope we get the prize!

  2. jasyjasy says:

    once i got over 1000000$ kinzcash

  3. toystory says:


  4. toystory says:

    THE PRIZE IS 700$

  5. OwlEars says:

    I wnted the fountain, too!!!! Grrrrrrrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  6. Pegagrl says:

    I wanted the fountain!

  7. KayKay says:

    I love this game!! I hope we win the prize, what ever it may be:)

    • penny222k says:

      KayKay, the four prizes are these:

      700 KC, 77%

      Wisteria Tree, 10%

      Fine Fowl Fountain, 9%

      Sweet Dreams Bed, 4%

      It looks like 700 KC will be the winner.
      So the game is Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbotz, and the prize will be 700 KC.
      I hope that this helped everyone!

  8. adotp9 says:

    Come on! we got dis!

  9. Pegagrl says:

    I love this game! What will the prize be?

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