Cooking with Chef Gazpacho

It’s time to cook up a delicious dish with me, Chef Gazpacho!

Today I want to tell you how to make something very delicious – a recipe that many Webkinz love. It’s called “Wild Kiwi Sunset.” To make this tasty drink, you need to use your pet’s blender.

Visit the W Shop and pick up something that’s brown on the outside and white on the inside, a fuzzy fruit and a papaya! Mix those ingredients together in your blender and you’ll make a drink that will delight your pet!


24 Responses to Cooking with Chef Gazpacho

  1. mymommysbaby2 says:

    Sorry,it’s coconut papaya & kiwi.

  2. mymommysbaby2 says:

    The recipe ingredients are coconut,pineapple,&papaya.

  3. fanofthefrog says:

    My pets have ate food a lot but I never knew how to make it.

    Thanks so much Chef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. egrace9 says:

    How many recipes are there I forget?

  5. LLJ9349 says:

    MMMMMMMMMMMM I can’t wait to make one.

  6. hwb01 says:


  7. kidsgram says:

    Why is everyone in such a bad mood? This is supposed to be a fun place to play. The Wild Kiwi Sunset looks delicious, hope my pet likes it and it gets lots of energy!

  8. Kristen says:

    Coconut and papya and kiwi!!!

  9. kittycaty says:

    Cool! I made it and my pet said it was, that is DELISHOUS! (sorry for the misspelling).

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