Counting Down the Days

Hey, it’s Sparky and I cannot believe it’s FINALLY June! Only a few more weeks to summer vacation! I cannot wait to kick back and hang out with my friends this summer! We are going to go swimming and hiking and hang out in the Arcade. Plus, everyone knows that the last month of school is a breeze anyway so it’s practically like I’m already on vacation! I’m sure we’ll all spend so much time planning for our big end of year trip that we’ll hardly have any school work at all. Yeah, life sure is sweet right now. I love summer vacation!

34 Responses to Counting Down the Days

  1. Webkinz#1 says:

    Since I live in the South, I got off on May 11th.

  2. j3gnight2011 says:

    That’s great sparky! have tons of fun! >>j3gnight2011<<

  3. Jed1923457 says:

    I got out the last day of May and yes I am home schooled and I LOVE it because you only have to work about an hour or two a day but there are no snow days and you get some weird reactins when you say ”oh yah i’m home schooled”

  4. Homeschooler says:

    I got out march 15

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m on vacation now!!!!!!!! LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!

  6. Miry 366 says:

    Its my summer vacation too, i love not having any school:)

  7. cool person in the world says:

    I already did my school work two months ago so i am already on my vacation I am so fast with my school work I don’t waste any time whoo hoo school rocks for me

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