Cowabelle Cowoline: Not Pleased!








Dear Diary,

I am SO furious! The more I think about the auditions yesterday, the angrier I get. Millie Pig (MILLIE PIG!) got chosen as the Queen of the Easter Parade. Why? I have no idea! Millie isn’t talented or beautiful or anything! She’s just a little pig. OK, so she’s cute. But queens are supposed to be regal – not CUTE! Maybe she could be a princess or something.

Ugh. I’m going to go and talk to Ms. Birdy and Dr. Quack and see if I can show them the error of their ways.

They can always make Millie a princess and make me a queen. THAT would make sense.

-          Cowabelle


49 Responses to Cowabelle Cowoline: Not Pleased!

  1. livingtreasure7 says:

    Cowabelle, I know we can all understand and relate to what you feel right now, but by the picture of Millie at the top, I can tell she’s a bit younger than you. And you are supposed to set and example and congratulate instead of throwing a temper tantrum. You’re a bit mature to be acting like a child. And, maybe there will be a day when you will win over Millie, who knows? But, this diary entry is a bit rude and I suggest you congratulate and apologize to Millie. But we all understand how we feel when we lose, I know. It is hard. And I can tell you are quite jealous. But remember, keep your temper down and be cheerful to your fellow pupils at Webkinz World’s Kinzville Academy!

  2. me says:


  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I think your just jealous!!!!!!

  4. Mcpgirl says:

    Cowabelle, I hate to break it to you, but you are jealous A LOT. Why don’t you just think about the things that you have and no one you know has. Then you might feel happy. Everyone has a special gift, you’ll find it and then you use it to get something ELSE special. OK????

  5. sssvert8 says:

    cowebell for your information, everyone is talented and beatiful even if you can not see it!

  6. GOF says:

    Cowabelle, this stuff happens! You’re never gonna get everything you want. One time I tried out for a play and I really wnated to be this character, but someone else got the part. It turned out that I liked my character better. Things happen for a reason. Also give Millie a chance! I’m sure she’s a great person (not that you aren’t) and that’s probaly what made them pick her. Hope you realize this, GOF

  7. Baloon says:

    Poor Cowoline! Maybe next time you can become the Easter Parade thing. I hope it works out okay for you! But give Millie a chance, too!

  8. bernald says:

    Cowabelle, someday you’ll find out that the world actually in fact DOES NOT revolve around you!!!!!!! If Millie Pig got chosen for Queen, it’s because she’s cute and she obviously wanted to be Queen since she tried out for the part and remember, it wasn’t personal!!!!!!!!! How would you like it if you were 5 years old and you were the Queen and then someone older and bigger then you just HAD to be Queen so you had to not be Queen and just watch her be the star like you were going to be?! I wouldn’t like that!!!!! There are a lot of mean people in the world and someday your not going to get everything you ever wanted but, you know, you’ll just have to live with it. Poor little Millie problly didn’t even think she was going to be chosen but she was and not you so deal with it ‘cuz life can throw a lot worse at you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Angie says:

    I agree sarahandlacey. Would you please add me? Pretty please????

  10. Kick it 2 the Curb! says:

    Does anybody else think that Cowabelle is acting really stuck-up about this? and did she just get 2 ride on the Queen’s float cuz her mom is the principal? Thats not right!

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