Craft: Pretty Bug Collage









It’s not exactly warm outside, but you can bring a hint of spring to your room with a pretty bug collage!


What you need:

Large paper, watercolor paint, paintbrush, scissors, craft glue, Bristol board or foam core, green paper

What you do:

  1. Paint your large paper in all sorts of different colors. You don’t need to do one specific design, you can just be random.
  2. Let your paint dry.
  3. When the paint is dry, cut out all sorts of different bug shapes.
  4. Cut out leaf-shapes from your green paper. Glue it to your Bristol board or foam core.
  5. Glue your insects to the leaves.

When the glue is dry, hang up your bug picture for all to see!

25 Responses to Craft: Pretty Bug Collage

  1. snowball2001 says:

    I like the idea, it would have been better if the insects made an image (like a bug of bugs!)

  2. aprilrh says:

    Instead of painting the paper for the bugs, you can buy patterned scrapbook paper. You won’t have to wait for the paint to dry. Sometimes painted paper curls too.

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