Dr. Quack’s post-appointment notes
I examined Booger today to see why he is experiencing such a loss of energy. I am disappointed to say that Booger most definitely has NOT been taking care of himself. I was appalled to discover how little exercise he gets and how poor his eating habits are. He barely does any more than walk from the couch to the refrigerator to get himself another root beer while he plays video games!!!
- Physical activity:
I am afraid I was rather stern with Booger when I told him that he needed to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. To be honest – 60 minutes is preferable but I told Booger that he could work his way up to that. I want him getting outside. I told his big brother Goober that he must not drive Booger to Kinzville Academy every day as he’s been doing. Booger needs to walk in the fresh air.
- Diet:
Booger is not getting nearly enough fruits and vegetables in his diet. In fact, I’m not sure he’s getting any! I told Booger that he must cut out the chips and candy. They are fine as a treat once in a while but they are not intended to be a staple diet! I gave him a copy of the Food Guide Pyramid which helps to illustrate how much of each food group Booger should be consuming each day. Five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day are essential for a growing ‘Kinz.
- Personal habits:
Booger spends far too much time watching TV and playing video games. I told him he must reduce his time on the electronics to an hour a day. I also want him to be sure to turn off all electronics at least two hours before bed time – Booger was so worked up over his video games he was finding it difficult to fall asleep at night which was just contributing to his poor energy levels.
I have to say Booger did not take well to the results of my examination and I am sorry to say it but I put it to Booger in no uncertain terms – he must change his habits. There are a whole host of health problems he could face further down the road if he doesn’t start taking care of himself now. When Booger didn’t want to listen to me, I gave him a variety of pamphlets and flyers to take home, explaining how diet and physical activity affect one’s overall well-being. I just hope Booger takes the time to read the materials I sent home with him. Then maybe it will start to sink in that he needs to make some serious changes in the way he lives.
I dont think booger will listen.i am just being honest.also why dont you lose some weight dr quack.and one more thing.i think dr quack should spend a couple days with bogger.then maybe he will listen
Me again, LOL!!! That made me literally laugh just now! I actually never noticed that! He IS rather chubby… he could afford to lose a few pounds… and those love handles…
Hello this is Goober, Booger’s big brother. I agree with you Dr. Quack. He is getting unhealthy and very overweight. I won’t drive him to the kinzville academy anymore. and i will take away his candy and chips….. like stealing candy from a baby, but for a good cause. :)
You know, Dr. Quack, this totally violates doctor/patient confidentiality rules. Talk to Booger & then keep it to yourself. :-)
I don’t think Booger will listen, unfortunately. He just doesn’t strike me as the kind of kid that cares. But you never know! The effort will hopefully pay off, Dr. Quack! :)
wow i did not know booger was so unhealthy for he is cute but anyway i agree with dr.quack
Way to go Dr Quack, let’s just hope that Booger listens to this great advice!
Food Pyramid – its called the Nutrition Plate now. The Nutrition Plate recomends that over half your plate at every meal should be filled with fruits and vegetables.
Booger! Get healthy! :!: I was just like, :O
Faith, Hope, Animals,
Booger is a bad boy. ;-)
I agree with you, SarahandLacey!
Booger really needed this checkup! :) Finally someone is doing something about his health! I hope he
gets healthier soon.
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
I dunno…this is all advice coming from a rather…chubby duck..
LOL! I totally agree with you, me again! Also, my sister,who you all know as Narniaisawesome1412 will not be on for a while. She has a ton of schoolwork to do. But luckily I do not, so you will be seeing a lot more of me (aka Bob) more often!
He’s just got big bones. Or do ducks have bones? Oh, wait, they do! LOL!
Man, you are so right…! :lol:
Ok, you just need five servings of fruits and vegetables. That’s what I read in my nutrition book!!
uh, dr. quack, the food guide pyramid is not accurate… the government issued a new food guide called “my plate”
Pyramid or plate, it’s better than all that candy
true, but on “my plate,” there is no fats group because you get enough fats and oils from the other foods you eat. but what i think is crazy about my plate is that HALF of your meals are supposed to be comprised of fruits and veggies! fruits i can handle, but most veggies are BLECH!!!
He’s not bad, he just has his head in the wrong place.