Ella interview: Purr-Cilla

Ella McWoof: I’m here with Purr-Cilla. Purr-Cilla played a large role in the student government last year and I’m sure that our readers would love to learn more about her. I’ve also heard murmurings that sometimes Purr-Cilla doesn’t always get along with all of the ‘Kinz and I thought that we could address those rumors here today. Purr-Cilla, welcome.

Purr-Cilla: Wow! I was wondering when you were going to get around to interviewing someone that the readers would REALLY like to hear about.

Ella McWoof: Um, well, I think the readers are anxious to learn about a lot of the residents of Kinzville, but maybe you could tell us a little about the contributions you made to the School Council.

Purr-Cilla: What DIDN’T I do is more like it. I practically carried the council all year last year. Salley is not exactly management material, but I was able to keep it together and work with her and in the end I guess we made an okay team. I think there was just a little confusion about who should have been president and who should have been vice-president but whatever.

Ella McWoof: You know, sometimes I hear talk around town that you aren’t such good pals with the ‘Kinz. Would you like to address that?

Purr-Cilla: What? I don’t know where you’re getting your info! I am popular with everyone! They all came to my birthday party. Would that have happened if we didn’t get along? And you know, this summer I really reached out to Nibbles and tried to start up a friendship, but she got all full of herself just because she had a pool and I didn’t and she tried to hold that over me. I don’t need that.

Ella McWoof: Wow. That’s not how I heard things. Hmmm. Anyway, here are five quick fire questions for you: Favorite color?

Purr-Cilla: Grey. I mean, just look at me! It doesn’t get any better than this.

Ella McWoof: Favorite family member?

Purr-Cilla: Oh, I am definitely everyone’s favorite in my family!

Ella McWoof: Favorite place to vacation?

Purr-Cilla: Vacation Island. I look great in a bathing suit!

Ella McWoof: If you had a million KinzCash, you would:

Purr-Cilla: Get outta Kinzville. I really think I belong in the Big City. I’m very cosmopolitan, you know.

45 Responses to Ella interview: Purr-Cilla

  1. warriors2002 says:

    Purr-Cilla is so snotty but she;s funny that way, this is my favorite interview ;D

  2. mycatGinger says:

    Have you read the book “The new cat in town?” I don’t like purrcilla. She really just needs to get over it. I mean, who dosen’t like Kinzville? Sorry Ella! Purrcilla is not the one to interveiw. – mycatGinger

  3. EventideSweep and LuckyLeaf says:

    Would you, ahem, care to tell us why on earth you look mean? And don’t think I haven’t forgot Sally’s bio ;).

  4. Velvetpawz says:

    I have to agree that at least part of Purr-Cilla’s problem is her parents – where are they with their daughter behaving so badly? What’s the real story here?

  5. lightpapa says:

    It isn’t all her fault! She’s spoiled and her parents don’t do ANYTHING when she gets in trouble!

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